Catfish [she/her]

I live on a commune as a farmer.

  • 29 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 3rd, 2023

  • Here's my advice for you as someone that's worked in a few factories and a warehouse: Get insoles for your shoes if you can, they'll help a lot. Prioritize protein dense foods, maybe take a shake to work. I basically abused acetaminophen when I was working my 12hr shifts, try not to poison yourself with painkillers. Some factories or warehouses have massage chairs in the break/lunch rooms, if your's does remember to use it! A little less ethical depending on how your factory handles breaks but try to take a little extra time than you're allowed if you can. In the same vein, if you have time to clean you have time to lean! Take every chance you can to rest.

    You said you're in storage and I don't know what that means specifically but in any case, optimize your movements, especially if you're palletizing or something. Do not twist your body left or right to lift, remember to use your legs to lift, and keep objects in your power zone! The core of factory and warehouse work is about optimizing your movements to minimize pain and last longer.

    Oh also if you can sneak earbuds into work and you're able to do your work safely with them, use music or podcasts to power through the shift. My best shifts were when I was able to sneak my wireless earbuds onto the factory floor. If that's not possible for you I'd recommend getting some nice reusable earplugs. They should be more comfortable and more effective than whatever your work is giving you, if they are anyways. Save your hearing!

    And one more thing, remember to be careful outside of work too. Something as small as an RSI in your wrist can be enough to not make it through a shift, jeopardizing your job. That's all the advice I have, stay strong comrade.

  • Correction on blood quantum: the vast majority of tribes still rely on blood quantum for enrollment. The requirement can range anywhere from 1/32 to 1/2. Blood quantum is still in use because it's often a necessity to receive federal recognition that opens up the tribe to certain forms of economic support. Most tribes that use blood quantum also require proof of lineal descent. There is a movement to do away with blood quantum in favor of lineal descent as more of us wake up to it's genocidal purpose. But this is a slow battle as we still have to get this knowledge into the minds of our comrades and then past our tribe governments, councils, etc. which tend to be stacked with corrupt liberals.

  • The controls are slightly different and there's little bits of QOL over the classic version too, but yeah it's basically the same game and the developers are working hard to keep them at pace with one another for people interested but not willing to commit to the $30. The remaster also has an ASCII mode which I like for whenever I wanna play a little old-school. :)

  • Yeah so adventure mode has actually been in Dwarf Fortress Classic for a very long time! What just entered beta is actually adventure mode for the new remastered version of the game which you can find on or Steam.

    The latest Dwarf Fortress Classic version is at 50.12 which is up to date with Dwarf Fortress Remastered. I think you can only access the new beta version for adventure mode on Steam though. If you want to play Adventure mode on Classic you just open up a world you made and a screen should ask if you want to start "Fortress," "Adventure," or "Legends" and from there just select Adventure. Happy to help!

  • These are countries where not too long ago people shat and poured piss out their windows. Anglo castles had a potty house that sat over the castle walls and they'd hang their clothes in it because the unique environment killed the fleas and bugs on their clothes. They have never been known for their hygiene, Native Americans said the first colonists stank to hell and wouldn't bathe.

  • "Extinction was caused by persecution (mainly for specimens), land use changes, and the introduction of predators such as cats and stoats. Until the late 20th century the species' disappearance was generally accepted to be due to competition by introduced predators for the kiore, or Pacific rat, a favorite prey of the laughing owl (an idea originally advanced by Walter Buller). However, since the kiore is itself an introduced animal, the laughing owl originally preyed on small birds, reptiles, and bats, and later probably used introduced mice, as well. Direct predation on this unwary and gentle-natured bird seems much more likely to have caused the species' extinction." - Wikipedia