ChairmanBao [he/him]

  • 4 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: September 12th, 2021


  • ChairmanBao [he/him]
    tomentalhealth*Permanently Deleted*
    3 years ago

    the majority of people are working food service and retail nowadays in the US and UK I imagine. But what about driving a forklift or doing electrical work? Lots of jobs are more stimulating than retail amd food service. And as other people have said, you can try teaching English overseas if you want something more intellectually stimulating.

  • ChairmanBao [he/him]
    tomentalhealth*Permanently Deleted*
    3 years ago

    Maybe consider moving somewhere if you guys arent tied down by kids. Or get a job in a warehouse and actually proletarianize, at least your soul will feel better working 45 hours a week, having less time to engage in this ideologocial nightmare that is the internet

  • ChairmanBao [he/him]
    tomentalhealth*Permanently Deleted*
    3 years ago

    Do you just hate the idea of children, or is it just a political thing? Cuz the latter is really dumb politics, anti-natalism is dumb. If you dont want a kid, dont have a kid, but if its something you've logicd yourself into, maybe rethink that position

  • I have to read Fanon first, I think I can personally trust him more. I sincerely think Sakai sounds like a post-left version of Wretched of the Earth, but I've barely gotten into the text.

    I still refuse to believe this guy is real. Regardless of how right they are, his theories havent accomplished anything so far and I cant measure the progress. If people want to use this theory to organize, be my guest but please tell me there is a plan.

  • My point is that objectively America is more tolerable of racial difference than it was in 1950. You can improve racial tolerance in order to defend capitalism, thats why it accepted integration in the middle of the cold war.

    I actually think property rights are the primary mechanism (see Mao: primary contradiction), for the justification of anti-communism AND rascism.

    But thats cuz i read :marx-joker:

    not :sakai-no-picture:

  • there are other people besides whites who work forces and support police. Loving the police is more about property rights nowadays. Walton ran on supporting the police as workers and still lost. She lost because she waffled with her union support while trying to appeal to conservatives on issues like law enforcement. Conservatives voted for her black opponent because class trumps race, theyd rather vote for a black guy than what the media is telling them is a real deal commie.