Cigarette_comedian [he/him]

No, I don't smoke.

  • 50 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: March 13th, 2023


  • Decided to try a "power nap" cause I've got some stuff with friends to do today, and I was woken up earlier than expected today, making me very tired. As soon as the caffeine was ingested and my head hits the pillow, it takes naught but 15 minutes until a loud as hell riding-mower starts doing donuts outside. So yeah, not much shut-eye to be gained, but the caffeine is helping me at least. (Though the crash will be catastrophic.)

  • Well, as per usual nowadays I am woken up by the screams of children.

    Oh. Right, lemme add context; I live across to a playground, specifically a playground operated by a nearby kindergarten. And lemme just say, toddlers got some fuckin' powerful lungs, hear them better than the football coaches, of whom I hear from the football pitch that I also live across from. Basically, this place is never fucking quiet lmao (limmy-awake ).

  • I fucking despise Nintendo. Like, man, it's not even like they're the worst of the big Games companies, Actiblizz, Ubisoft, Zenimax, etc. But 'Tendo's the worst cause they are unrelenting in taking down shit. I think "Wow, Pap-Mechrio Thousands of Doors remake, so cool!" :wow-cool-robot: but I'm never gonna fucking buy that shit cause there is no way in hell I'm ever giving Nintendo money ever again. Did they have to take down Nintendo assets from the Gmod workshop? No, but they did it anyway. Same with fangames, and their wacko Nintendo™ Partnership™ Program™ they forced upon anyone who wanted to do anything remotely related to them. And let's not forget about the poor Bowser fellow who they basically have as an indentured servant in the US, garnishing his wages forever to pay off literal millions of dollars of imagined damages. I want to buy and play their stuff, cause it's mostly good stuff, but I could never, not while thing are going how they're going.

    Ach weil, still got ol' reliable :pirate-jammin:, the day I get a "good" PC, I'm gonna experience the Switch games I missed out on.

  • That doesn't seem to be quite correct, the ships were out of service were from April to June of the same year, and the 4 total ships are all sister ships originally planned to be built. 2 in Spain, 2 in Turkey, but the Spanish shipyard ran into financial trouble, and the projects had to be shifted to Turkey, hence the late delivery on the 2 other ships. Still wack to take them out of service anyway, even for a few months.

  • Yeah, it is still cool AF, it is basically what you're imagining. It can be stunning, seeing the ancient mountains jutting straight up from the sea, the strange rock formations with all their local myths and legends, the little fishing villages and all the cool birds. I wouldn't blame someone for immersing themselves in everything Hurtigruten has to offer, but as a local who remembers :biden-rember: how different it was 10 years ago, I just want the simpler, more "honest" version back.

  • Boats are great, I love taking a good boat to travel. You know, living in a country that is 95% coast, it'd be pretty neat to have a boat service that went to many major harbors and wasn't dedicated to tourists and gimmicked out with constant announcements to "look at the sea eagles" and shit. Yes siree, that would be real cool, might even be mildly affordable then.

    (youseethejokeisthat Hurtigruten is a travesty nowadays and it was way better before as a method of transport but now it's just tourist schlock and the food was bad before but now its worse. Also who the fuck decided to make wooden benches without cushioning in the lounge??? To make it "cool" and "traditional" "Norwegian"?? Yeah, back-pain, really instills the national spirit.)

  • Yes, very.

    Just, be wary of some of the writing, these games are from the early-to mid 2000's for the most part.

    And definitely do not skip the spinoff series with Edgeworth. The Investigations games are very good, and the sequel is P E A K AA. (You're gonna have to get the fan translation tho as it was never released outside Japan lol, lmao. (ProZD has VA work in it.))