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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 11th, 2020

  • Spahija@lemmygrad.mltomemesadult autism reality
    21 days ago

    Meanwhile my last psychiatrist was like "Yes you do show many symptoms of ASD, but I do not believe in the usefulness of the medical criteria of the DSM-5 [proceeds to speak about Freud for 5 minutes]"; from what I've heard Freud is still a massive problem for psychiatry in my country (France).

  • My (source: am Fr*nch) reasoning is this: the reason why Macron lost many seats to the left in 2022 was because they rallied around a clear leader, Mélenchon, whose programme clearly answered some "radical" demands, and who had won so much votes in the last election compared to other candidates on the left that no one could credibly oppose his NUPES election agreement. The reason Macron is dissolving the National Assembly now is because it is the Socialist Party (PS) that won more seats than LFI (Mélenchon's party) in the EU elections, while lacking the clear leadership Mélenchon had and likely not being willing to concede to the more "radical parties" like Mélenchon could towards the more traditional socdem parties like the PS in 2022. In other words, Macron knows the left is divided, and that its presumed leader, for the time being, is a neoliberal type from the party that gave us François Hollande, that is: someone he could work with. On the other hand, the far right winning big is not as big as a concern for Macron as prevening LFI from staying the major playor on the left in the next elections, since he knows he can work with the far right (hell, he kinda already does, just not officially) but not with LFI. So, in short, my belief is that for him it is worth the gamble of maybe having to concede another victory to the far right (also, since the legislative elections are in two rounds, he's probably still banking on the "beavers" voting as a barrier the far right on round two like they've done until now) in order to contain the left.

  • I guess I have three main groups of friends depending on where I've met them: at school, uni, or my local conservatoire (I guess friends from the Party count but I'm not really close with any of them yet). Although I'm less close to my friends from uni mostly because I don't see them outside of uni (but I'd still say I have at least one close friend there), and have grown less close to my friends from school because we don't get to see each other too often, so I guess my friends from the conservatoire are by defaut my closest since I see them multiple times a week every week, both at the conservatoire and elsewhere.

  • I fucking looked at a trashcan and said “THAT’S A BIT SPD”

    Most amazing sentence I've ever read. Anyways at least for me the EU elections have been an excuse to lecture my family members about how much of a hypocrite and a shitty human being Glucksmann is. Also for some reason my town has only now started to have posters that are not from either the communist party (why does the PCF have to be so watered-down uuugghhhh) or LFI, which I find funny given how right wing our mayor is...

  • I highly recommend Tuscany and Emilia-Romagna: both regions have many beautiful and historic cities, including very nice smaller ones (Ferrara was a highlight last time I went to Emilia-Romagna), as well as relaxing countryside. Rome is also fantastic, it probably is one of my favourite places I've ever been to and I'd love to go there again. As for other places, Milan is also neat, and the Italian lakes' region is very nice too. Sadly I've never been to Southern Italy as of yet, so I can't say anything these regions.

  • Spahija@lemmygrad.mltochatMy dad passed away
    1 month ago

    My condolences comrade, your father seemed like a great guy, I wish mine was even half as awesome as you portray yours here.

    Don't beat yourself for not feeling the way you're "supposed" to, it is perfectly normal to have the shock of losing him only impact you later on. I lost my grandmother earlier this month (in fact the funeral is today). I was unbelievably close to her since I live at her house and lived with her for the majority of my life; but despite this I didn't cry during her illness while her health declined so quickly, I didn't cry when she died... I only cried when her body was taken away (which was surprisingly late because of the shitty way home-hospitalisation is organised in France), but when I did it was the most I've ever cried in my life. All this to say, I feel you comrade.

  • Seeing a lot of people disliking EU4 in this thread meanwhile it's my most played game on Steam by an amazingly wide margin... I guess I didn't play any of the other EU games so I can't really compare them (something something no investigation no right to speak), but I know I really enjoy EU4 (and I do way more than HOI4 or other Paradox games I've played; though I haven't played CK and have just gotten into Vicky). Anyways, I hope EU5 will be good and not an unfinished game with beautiful maps.