Comrade_Bones [he/him]

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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: August 7th, 2021


  • I'm pretty sure they're not allowed to mention this, because it happens in the parts of the Tolkien lore that they didn't pay $500 million for, but Galadriel's people were actually banished from Valinor for committing elven genocide (making it really weird that the king thought he had the right to send them back for their glorious deeds in tracking down Morgoth)

  • I'm watching it alongside possibly one of the most hardcore Tolkien fans in existence, and aside from a couple moments where he yells about some parts of the show being completely different and at some points, an affront to the lore, we've both been enjoying it so far.

  • Comrade_Bones [he/him]tochapotraphouseSpicy
    2 years ago

    It's a good thing no one's suggesting to abolish all cops with 0 alternatives, then, ya dope. Just because america is in the unique position of needing a special task force to take out all the children who keep waltzing into schools to gun down other children, doesn't mean that we need cops to be the one to do it. The problem with cops isn't that they stop school shooters, it's that they're the ones called in to enforce literally every single fucking law in the country, from dealing with mentally unwell people to enforcing property law, all of this while strapped and with zero accountability.

  • Comrade_Bones [he/him]tomemesTalking to libs 101
    2 years ago

    This list is just peak lib reddit copypasta. Half of it is him undoing things that Trump did (we get it, he's not Trump). Then there's a bunch of pro-military and imperialist points that we're supposed to be happy about. It actually brags about hitting a 70% vaccination rate. It splits the student debt relief into four separate points to make it seem more impressive, when the total amount of relief only adds up to about 0.1% of total debt. One quarter of it is just infrastructure spending that barely covers upkeep of America's crumbling infrastructure. A bunch of the statistics about unemployment and child poverty, we now know to have ticked back up to pre-Biden levels due to them being temporary measures that have since been reversed.

    Like, sure he's not the absolute worst President when it comes to domestic policy, but this list just reads like some dude pulling headers from a bunch of white house press releases, because he got mad about people complaining that their life hasn't really gotten better under Biden.

  • The most infuriating thing about this is the fact that this war didn't spring up out of nowhere. Canada and the states have been throwing log after log into the war machine for the better part of a decade -- training troops in Ukraine, providing guns and ammunition to its soldiers, stoking tensions along its Eastern border. This war has been in the works by western powers for years, and Putin's invasion is just another victory for NATO and its allies, who now get to look like the victims of aggression despite being the ones stoking it for years.

    The fact that this invasion is happening at all is a victory for western imperialism, as well as Putin, who is all too happy to play his part. And once again, like every other fucking imperialist war in human history, its the innocent civilians currently getting bombed who have to deal with the fallout.