Comrade_Mushroom [comrade/them]

It is I

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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: October 14th, 2024


  • Depends on the ep, and if you're interested in getting some information on a topic you might be interested in with a whole lot of silliness intermixed. But like with anything else, if their sense of humor isn't your thing, it's not gonna click.

    I recommend picking an episode that seems to talk about something you think might be interesting and go from there, just go in expecting a fair bit of goofiness and not a hard-facts-only-no-jokes citations-needed style joint. The Musk episodes were good for exposing exactly what kinds of cons he gets up to, and I intend to go back and listen to them for a refresher since he's somehow still viewed favorably by... people...

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    Alright FIRST of all, Fire has to go to whip because a flaming whip looks badass, 100%

    Second, Darkness goes to Dagger because like, duh

    Third, Light goes to Sword because it's for normies and it's boring

    Fourth, Nature goes to Claws because cats have claws and they're from nature (trust me my cat taught me this he has claws)

    Fifth, Ice goes to Shield because you can constantly replenish your Shield as it's damaged

    Sixth, Poison goes to Spear in honor of my boy, Prince O'Brien (pour one out)

    Seventh, Thunder goes to Bow because that's just sick, you hit an arrow and it's like CHAKOOOOM POW

    Eighth, and seriously what the fuck is wrong with y'all, OBVIOUSLY Earth goes to Hammer, I will not budge on this

    Ninth, Wind goes to Axe because it goes WOOFSHH when you swang it

    Tenth, Water goes to Knuckles because they're both terrible weapons in comparison to the rest

  • Holy fuck, dude... I never actually listened to Destiny talk before, but I just watched BadEmpanada's most recent video where he shows a clip of Destiny watching a Palestinian man get shot, watches his panicking wife running to his body, and all the dude says is "Wow these guys are totally content farming. He did this to himself to get views!"

    ...this guy thinks he's a LEFTIST? Jesus fucking CHRIST. The gulag is WAY too good for him. I am almost speechless. I audibly gasped at the things he said, several times during the clip. I mean, it is one thing to try to spin this abhorrent event into a more favorable light for the, uh, fucking murderers who perpetrated it, but to so fervently put the blame on the victims while also being so casually racist while you do it... fuck.

    illegal-to-say barbara-pit illegal-to-say barbara-pit illegal-to-say barbara-pit illegal-to-say barbara-pit illegal-to-say barbara-pit illegal-to-say barbara-pit illegal-to-say barbara-pit