• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 1st, 2023

  • I'm on my second Lenovo in a row, they seem to be really good for Linux. Actually the previous one did get a drink dumped on it too, and it didn't phase it at all. The 5 key is a little sticky sometimes but otherwise works fine.

    I might be tempted to get a Framework for my next one though, if I can get the cash together for a 16.

  • Mine was/is/will be:

    • Windows

    • Some ancient version of Corel Linux that came on a CD that was free with a magazine that I could never get to work properly

    • Some version of SUSE that I bought from a computer store impulsively, that also never worked properly

    • Ubuntu 6.something that finally worked!

    • Several more years of Ubuntu, gradually drifting over to Kubuntu/KDE Neon as I realised I liked KDE more than GNOME/Unity

    • Manjaro as an awkward transitional phase to becoming an Arch person

    • A split between full Arch (btw) for my laptop which is the tinkering machine that I'm allowed to break, and Pop!OS on the desktop, which is the one other people use that has to actually work all the time

    • The distant call of NixOS, which I'm currently fiddling with in a VM and is trying to tempt me into nuking my laptop once again.

  • Yeah I had the same experience. Tried it out, found it way too fiddly to set up, had to pay for stuff at every turn (and managing a bunch of subscriptions is a big part of why I hate using streaming platforms in the first place) and I really didn't find it to be worth it just to cover the tiny fraction of things I can't find on torrents (and which TBH I didn't even find there anyway.) Went back to torrents as it's like 2 clicks to download something and it covers 95% of what I need anyway.

    To be fair, it's entirely possible that I was just doing it wrong and not getting optimal results, but also I don't want to start over and pay for a bunch of other stuff to find out.

  • For me, it was:

    • You couldn't get one for ages when it came out, so I missed the initial hype period.

    • When it did finally become available, it was prohibitively expensive.

    • There are no real killer exclusives or features so no particular reason to upgrade, aside from games looking nicer.

    • Sony is releasing all the good stuff on PC now, so if I want to play a nicer-looking version of a PS4 game I can just do that.

    • Steam Deck

  • I really feel like we need to have a huge overhaul of copyright law in general, it seems like it's all a mish-mash of old laws from before the internet existed, patched over with half-assed rules that we've just been making up as we go along since then.

    Some of it is absurd to me, like the way something can be online but geographically restricted. I've had the situation in the past where I want to watch a movie trailer, but I can't because I'm in Canada and not the US, even though the movie is also out in Canada. It's so pointless and easily circumvented, and all it does is annoy people. Or that something can still be copyrighted almost a century after the author is dead.

    And to get back to the point, we also really need to make some kind of exemption for archival purposes. So much information, art and cultural heritage is lost because copyright holders don't look after the stuff they own and don't want to pay to preserve it properly. The internet could be one of the best archival tools we've ever had, if we'd just let it do its thing IMO.

  • Yeah basically, people are using AI to write applications and cover letters, and recruiters are using AI to read and filter them, so it's just robots talking to each other.

    I'm heard some other horror stories too, like companies requesting a "one way remote interview" which basically means they send you a list of questions, and you're supposed to record a video of yourself answering them as if you were in a proper interview and then send it to them.

    At which point I'd rather be homeless personally, but that's maybe just me lol