• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • Do you have any idea the size and populations of Russian occupied Ukraine? 20,000 kids being moved away from the frontline, that are getting returned as parents are identified, is not cultural genocide

    Oh, I forgot, abducting children is OK, because there are enough more. Sure. Also, you forgot about the part where these children are reeducated to become russian citizens and despise or forget their ukrainian background. That is the cultural eradication. And those kids would still be with their parents if Putin's Russia hadn't invaded Ukraine, in many cases killed their parents and destroyed their home. Russia is the aggressor, don't forget about that.

    and if you want to talk about dehumanisation look no further than the term "orcs".

    And that means dehumanization and genocide ukrainian civilians is fine? Btw, I never condoned the term "orcs" and I don't like it. So stop your strawman right there please.

    You're talking about cultural suppression like the Ukrainian government hasn't been actively attacking it's own people in Donetsk and Luhansk for not being Ukrainian enough.

    There has been no evidence for that, only russian allegations.

    I know you deeply trust those publications, but if you can't Intuit it I really don't know how to tell you that you shouldn't be placing your faith in any regime's estimations about their opponents. Try going with actually factual data.

    Intuition and faith are no measurements we should use. Factual data is evidential, not faith and intuition. You have yet to provide fact-based sources.

    p.s.: Again, you have yet to provide verifiable sources. And sure, call everyone Nazis except those who act like Nazis.

    p.p.s.: I like using post scriptum.

  • Tell me you haven't read the source provided without telling me you haven't read the source provided.

    You seem to have no idea about what a genocide is. It is not simply killing a massive amount if civilians. It s the eradication of a people, completely or partially. That includes but is not limited to the massive killing of civilians but also cultural eradication for example by abducting and reeducating children (which Russia did on a grand scale), the suppression of cultural items like language (which Russia has done like forever, but especially since the beginning of the occupation in 2014) or the dehumanization of members of the people.

    Some other comprehensive sources:

    Please tell me, what is more trivializing genocide, factoring in more than civilian deaths or reducing genocide to a single factor?

    p.s.: your number of 10.000 civilian deaths in Ukraine is a very conservative estimate and is probably much higher (as mentioned in the first link I put under comprehensive sources).

    p.p.s.: inb4: I'm not saying what's happening in Gaza is not a genocide.

  • I am just saying that the acronym RICE hasn't got anytging in common with the racist slang "rice burner"

    But that's where you're wrong. And the sources provided prove that.

    I am not trying to have a debate or another bullcrap. You, like me are free to think what you think

    You started a discussion. If you don't want to discuss, don't post a comment arguing a point.

  • i don’t have the time to deconstruct it for ya,

    Then you should take that time. Because

    the “uyghur genocide” claims are basically an astroturfed campaign by an evangelical christo-fascist named Adrian Zenz.

    needs damn citation. Especially in the face of these:

    Counterterrorism and Preventive Repression: China's Changing Strategy in Xinjiang

    In 2017–18, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) changed its domestic security strategy in Xinjiang, escalating the uurlse of mass detention, ideological re-education, and pressure on Uyghur diaspora networks.

    Cultural erasure: Tracing the destruction of Uyghur and Islamic spaces in Xinjiang

    The Chinese Government has embarked on a systematic and intentional campaign to rewrite the cultural heritage of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR). It’s seeking to erode and redefine the culture of the Uyghurs and other Turkic-speaking communities—stripping away any Islamic, transnational or autonomous elements—in order to render those indigenous cultural traditions subservient to the ‘Chinese nation’.

    The Uyghur Genocide: An Examination of China’s Breaches of the 1948 Genocide Convention

    This report concludes that the People’s Republic of China (China) bears State responsibility for committing genocide against the Uyghurs in breach of the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (Genocide Convention) based on an extensive review of the available evidence and application of international law to the evidence of the facts on the ground.

    If you're claiming these are false, invented or otherwise untrue, you need damn good evidence.

    if you’re really leftist […]

    Really? A No True Scotsman is really bad style.