I only work in theory

'E questo è il fiore del partigiano, morto per la libertà'

  • 291 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: March 23rd, 2022


  • There's a discussion going on on the Dutch football subreddit about a non binary person playing with a women's team. The team won a match after which their opponent filed a complaint.

    I again had some discussion with some nerds who immediately went that trans women should not belong in women's sport with the standard arguments, you know the drill.

    The best were the comments from redditors saying they (the NB person) shouldn't be allowed because they might feel like an NB, but biologically they are still a man.

    Which brings me to the best part: the person was born a female, wanted to transition to male and then found out they were non binary instead. So, there is absolutely no advantage for them. But Redditors won't even read an article which clearly stated this and instead give their expert advice anyway.

  • When you grow up, you hope to live a long life. At some point you probably get confronted with death and you start to hope that you don't get cancer or something or dementia or whatever.

    I am currently at a point where I hope to not die of nuclear war or far right governments hunting me down. I came into this world to live a happy life, contributing to society in a positive way. Instead, I have to deal with unhinged fuckers like this.