It will ruin many others before it ruins them.
It will ruin many others before it ruins them.
I cannot make my handwriting nice for the life of me. Legible will have to do
Hmm, I'm afraid the only cure is to transition
It's me. I'm a distro
I'm watching you, Poison Ivy
I ship her with Firefox
I have no idea what's going on, but every time I check in, it seems to be worse
Say "Oh you're a Qanon fan too?"
That looks like the bow version of
Yumis deserve much better than that. Much, much better than that. I should know what I'm talking about. I myself commissioned a genuine yumi in Japan for 2,400,000 Yen (that's about $20,000) and have been practicing with it for almost 2 years now. I can even pierce slabs of solid steel with my yumi.
Japanese bowyers spend years working on a single yumi and layer it with bamboo up to a million times to produce the finest bows known to mankind.
Yumis are thrice as powerful as European lobgbows and thrice as accurate for that matter too. Anything a longbow can shoot through, a yumi can shoot through better. I'm pretty sure a yumi could easily bisect a knight wearing full plate with a simple draw and release.
Ever wonder why medieval Europe never bothered conquering Japan? That's right, they were too scared to fight the disciplined Samurai and their yumi of destruction. Even in World War II, American soldiers targeted the men with the yumi first because their killing power was feared and respected.
So what am I saying? yumis are simply the best bow that the world has ever seen. This is a fact and you can't deny it.
What makes compound bows better? I don't understand how wheels make it easier/more powerful
I just couldn't wrap my head around how building the longest railroad secured our rights as posters
Wait, read settlers? And here I've been playing settlers of Catan like an idiot
It's cope. We aren't a priority for Dems, and they're generally ignoring us. We are a top priority for Republicans, and persecuting us costs them little, monetarily or politically. Under Dems, anti-trans legislation would face challenges that it won't face under a republican one. Kamala wanted to "follow the law" which means she'd basically do nothing. Status quo. So very little would've come out from the executive under her administration.
Trans people policies were one of very few key differences between Kamala and Donald.
Please no! We alredy nerfed dunking in the last patch. Bit accounts woupd be OP
No. Just fat thumbs. I've edited it out because apparently it was a real link somehow