fry sauce is the shit tbh
I need to go hug my old girl. My condolences comrade
111-11-1111. 111-11-1112 too ez
Weak men make me hard
i started miniature painting the other day. its fun :3
Restaurants that are exclusively vegan.
god I wish. nah I know this restaurant has specifically vegan stuff and is even labeled as such. The lady just heard me say "bacon Burrito" instead of "vegan burrito" which I cant really fault her for but i just really wanted to yell to the void
A lot of stuff at Taco Bell, for instance, is certified vegan
yeah Taco bell has been a real lifeline for the past year and half
I am trans and love my trans girlfriend, that's the post
I'm imagining the archetypal wizard running around naked, save a wizard hat, and now I need to see gandalf slingin it
I'm gonna make some people really fucking aware
thats such a weird angle to do it on purpose
Stalin killed at least twice that many people, so it's a loss that I'm willing to take
You just have to keep trying
10 minutes in advance, take it or leave it
If they want to count then of course!
Obligatory me n who?