EnsignRedshirt [he/him]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2020


  • There was an interview with the lead designer of the 2013 iteration of SimCity in which he said that they tried to model cities as closely as they could, but one of the big things they had to abandon was parking lots because of how much space they take up. Like, it would have made the game unplayable, so they decided to model parking by putting it “underground” i.e. all the cars basically exist in a parallel dimension when they aren’t on the road. The same thing would apply to any remotely realistic city builder. You can either model parking properly and have gigantic asphalt wastelands occasionally interrupted by a shopping mall, or you can use magic to deal with cars.

    One thing that I found kind of interesting is that you literally can’t make a pedestrian-only city in the base version of Cities: Skylines. Things like garbage pickup and emergency services require having roads and vehicles. You have to get a DLC to even create pedestrian areas, let alone try and create a car-free city. That’s how deep the car ideology goes.

  • What’s really unforgivable is the total lack of any long-term strategy, which is the only thing that any third-party in American politics should be concerned about, let alone an ostensibly revolutionary party. They aren’t going to secure any actual political power through elections in the near-term, so the entire exercise should be about how to raise class consciousness and convince people that the very obviously dysfunctional system is in fact dysfunctional.

    To endorse that system in any way just muddies the waters. It’s not the job of the CPUSA or any other socialist party to help the Democrats get elected, and doing so is not going to help advance socialism in any meaningful way. I could understand if there were actual politics happening, that they were leveraging their support to get policy concessions from the Democrats, but that isn’t happening and will likely never happen, so this is nothing but an own-goal.

    Like you say, either he’s incompetent, or he has an incredible amount of contempt for people who he should want in his coalition.

  • that's just how the internet really works, Things come down, nothing lasts forever.

    While this is true, I think a lot of people are surprised that this is the case. For a while, I think there was a sense that the internet was essentially a permanent record, with storage and bandwidth always getting cheaper and bigger, but the reality is that cheaper and bigger doesn't mean free or unlimited, and so there would inevitably be a point where you couldn't just store everything and have it available forever. It makes sense once you think about it, but then the question becomes about what gets saved vs what disappears, and why. That's where there's fertile ground for conspiracy theories and speculation.

    There's also a really interesting conversation to be had about what we ought to expect in terms of what data and content we do want to archive long-term, and then what kind of infrastructure is required to maintain that. This article is less illustrative of what China is or isn't doing and more of the issue that we don't have a clear set of parameters or any long-term precedent for digital content storage, which is exacerbated by the fact that most of the infrastructure is privately owned. Those owners have no real obligation to archive anything except to the extent that it maximizes their profits or shareholder value, which isn't a great way to decide what does and doesn't make it into the 'record' so to speak. Somewhere along the line, there will be a need and a demand for a more robust public effort to curate and archive internet content.

  • I do feel this way sometimes. I wish the doctor would just say “there’s nothing I can do for you” instead of giving me advice that is simultaneously condescending and vague. I’m not making an appointment with a physician so that I can get a TikTok’s worth of uninspired life coaching. You assholes decided that your precious profession needed a monopoly on medicine while also artificially lowering the supply of doctors so that you could make more money and feel important. You turned yourselves into glorified pill dispensers because you don’t have time for anything else. Not my problem. If you want to make a living telling people to jog and eat kale then become a wellness guru on Instagram and leave the medicine to someone who wants to dispense pills.