FALGSConaut [comrade/them]


  • 39 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: May 17th, 2021


  • FALGSConaut [comrade/them]tomoviesShit, they know.
    21 days ago

    True, I'm not saying they adhere to an actual communinist way of organizing vault society, but the day to day has to be communal and as far as I'm aware fairly egalitarian. From just a surface level view of the vaults it seems like housing is allocated based on the needs of the vault dwellers, everyone participates in the labour required to keep the vault working and everyone alive, and effort is made to place people in careers that make best use of their talents.

    This ignores the whole vault-tech evil experiments such as the one mentioned in the show that is understocked to force the residents to compete with one another, but in the "normal" vaults they aren't (to the best of my knowledge) operating on a capitalist mode of society. You don't see a vault dweller worried about making rent, though I won't rule out that it happened

  • FALGSConaut [comrade/them]tomoviesShit, they know.
    21 days ago

    Something I've been thinking about that wasn't stated in the show, wouldn't the vaults mostly run off a quasi-communist way of organization? Nobody (except vault-tech) owns the vault and it's contents, it seems that everyone contributes to the best of their abilities (even giving people like the little brother multiple chances to find a place where he can contribute) and receives what they need (I don't think they have to pay rent or buy food). I don't know if the vault dwellers even have money.

    I don't think it's intentional, but it is funny to me that the solution to surviving the ultimate capitalist crisis is a communist way of life

  • Gunna call out Robert Fedvans' Behind the Bastards subreddit for this. You mention that you think that depicting an Asian man with cartoonishly yellow skin might be related to the Yellow Peril racist trope and all of a sudden it's "The Chinese started it!" and "it's just because Xi doesn't like it!".

    Yet when you point out that similar racist tropes like the mascots for certain American sports teams are racist caricatures with cartoonishly colored skin (red in this case) and that people understand that as racist and it's crickets from them

  • FALGSConaut [comrade/them]tohobbyRazzle Dazzle
    23 days ago

    I've been running a few different lists, my mechanized guardsmen had their chimeras perforated by alpha legion, and that combined with some infiltrated legionaries meant most of my guardsmen died in no man's land far from objectives and some (un)lucky lascannons smoked my LR. Death guard just drowned me in penalties to hit and mowed through my troops. Tau smoked my LR & sentinels early & my troopers struggled to hold onto the mid board. At least I had a decent face off with 'nids, but I still lost with roughly half the points and with most of my guys still in my deployment zone (turn 1 charges suck)

    I'm definitely not playing the most "meta" list, and it'll be a cold day in hell before I buy a lord solar, but it's frustrating that the army I got into had a ton of options on how you want to play them, and now it's been reduced to an artillery company that keeps getting their artillery nerfed

  • FALGSConaut [comrade/them]tohobbyRazzle Dazzle
    23 days ago

    Yea, I've been playing in an escalation league and so far I've lost all four of my games badly. It seems like everyone I've been playing as all sorts of powerful rules/abilities, whereas the guard detachment is negated by moving (which is required to win games) and the guard army rule/ability (officers) has been negated by a combo of battleshock and precision shots decapitating my command structure.

    I'm not hopeful about the codex. Lucky for me the modelling/painting aspect is the main draw for me, the game is an excuse to hang out and roll dice