Faith [she/her]

  • 7 Posts
Joined 5 years ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2020


  • Well most people have never gotten a karotyping test done and don't know their chromosomes for example. You assume you're XX/XY but you really have no idea. You could be an XX male (assuming you're cis) XXX, XXY etc. and simply not know. Some of your cells could be XX and others could be XY, at the same time! This would define you as intersex. A woman might have internal testicles and never know until she gets an ultrasound, a man could have ovaries and simply not know. You might not find out until puberty, or until you find out you're infertile, until you die and theres an autopsy or you and no one may literally ever know. It's important to mention that intersex is a huge umbrella that includes a ton of different stuff and it can be a bit debated. Some men have all the internal sexual characteristics of a woman, but the external characteristics of a man and some people wouldn't consider that intersex.

  • Faith [she/her]toMainWhat changed you?
    4 years ago

    I never held any fascist, incel, anti-LGBT, anti-abortion, or christian views. That's not to say I was left-wing or had good views, I was just never a right winger. I grew up in a typical, (mostly, we're all at least partly Inuit, my mom being half, but white passing) white, "middle" class household (my parents divorced when I was 2 and my mom remarried when I was 6, I can't say if this had any lasting effect on my psyche but I don't really remember it). My parents were liberals, my (step) dad is protestant Irish from Belfast but he never talked about it or went to church.

    Fascism I was just never really exposed to. Incels and abortion were non-issues because, well I'm a woman. As for LGBT, well I was pretty solidly a lesbian, my first kiss was with a girl, my first sexual experimentation was with other girls. My exploration of porn only really looked at women, and I ended up having sex with a few women during high school and college. Of course, I considered myself to be straight up until I was about 24 or 25 even after dating women because compulsory heterosexuality is a hell of a drug. I was never against the LGBT community, though of course I had to go through some self-acceptance and had internalized some homophobia to deal with (and still struggle with).

    I think the biggest two things for me were racism and economic issues. I was never a "racist" in the sense of having white pride, of hating or disliking BIPOC, or saying slurs or what have you. So of course, in my sheltered upbringing I considered myself not to be racist. In fact I considered racism to be more or less over besides a vocal minority. I was racist in the sense I didn't understand my internal biases, I didn't understand how systemic racism still effected people, I didn't really challenge racist "jokes." Learning that racism isn't just when you say the bad words took me a lot longer, as well as understanding privilege and systemic problems. Youtube really helped open me up to this and put it in perspective. I can't say I know everything now, but at least I'm not as ignorant as a rock.

    Economic issues were simple, I moved out of my parents house. Lol. Turns out I'm a downwardly mobile faildaughter. Then I read some books.

  • Faith [she/her]toMain*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    As a young woman pumpkin spice lattes unironically taste good and I'm willing to bet most people complaining about them have never had one. Yes i will die on this hill.

  • Faith [she/her]toMainConfession time:
    4 years ago

    Confession time: I hate myself, I hate the things I've done and I hate my reflection. Everything I've done in the past 5 years is to make up for being a shitty human for the 20 years before that. And I suck at it. My life sucks, I've spent the entirety of it failing and being downwardly mobile. The only thing that isn't bad is my wife and i can't even stay out of an argument with her for 3 days.

  • Faith [she/her]toMain*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    I would suggest On Contradictions as a starter for Mao. It's a little dense and might take a few readings to fully grasp (did for me at least) but it informs you of the outlook Mao uses for the world and his writings.

  • Communism le human nature meme–> To counter this one, you basically need to go full socratic method, since their assumptions are that 1. Human nature is fixed and 2. Human nature fits capitalism. These assumptions are incorrect and asking them questions to clarify those assumptions is the way. I don’t think a direct counter argument exists because this shit talking point is so fucking vague, it can mean anything.

    The counter to this is simple. They assume that humans are inherently greedy/selfish/liars and self serving etc. Since that is what capitalism rewards capitalism is good. We can actually disprove this with some very basic evolutionary logic. Humans evolved to be tribal, communal social animals. If we were greedy or self serving there would be no reason to band together in tribes. Likewise if we stole from each other. Why develop speech at all if everyone was going to lie for personal gain? Etc. etc. etc. Everything about the human species counters this idea, in fact those tactics are so effective because we evolved to trust and rely on each other. We can see this in other tribal animals as well.