So sorry to hear this. She made you who you are so be proud and carry that love for other people with you like she did.
I know a lot of people that have had covid and they all came from being in close quarters with family or friends. I haven't known anyone to get it from a restaurant or store yet so you may allow yourself to indulge here in there if the place isn't too crowded.
I think the 09 swine flu came from Mexico or possible California due to factory farming.
But all the green jobs...
This is what waiting for capitalism to fix a problem it caused looks like.
Fuckin unleavened bread.
That Zuckerberg/Gates shit in education pushed my buttons more than anything entire districts have given them the keys to the entire district with their digital learning apps that track students on the web and it always ends in failure.
Same shit with Kyoto in 1999. All these agreements mean nothing.
Any time friend. Stay strong and keep shit posting. Fuck the libs and the chuds.
Keep your head up. Exercise instead of drinking and tune out for a while.
Specifically looking at this from politico right now:
Can't wait for bidens cabinet nominations and for everyone here to explain to me all the terrible things they've ever done. These people go a lifetime with their misdeeds papered over and I can't wait to air out some of these skeletons in the closet.
All white people dance like donald trump.
I found out they called it for Biden because one of my family members posted she was crying on Facebook. She’s a corporate lawyer.
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