HarrietTubman [he/him,any]

  • 8 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 28th, 2020


  • HarrietTubman [he/him,any]togamesreal
    1 year ago

    I look at Final Fantasy XV on PS and Xbox, then I look at the Switch version running the mobile port, and it might be the most embarrassing indictment of the hardware I can possibly imagine.

  • Let's have the infighting then. Plenty of us have aligned ourselves with shitlibs on the rare occasion their end goal means improving material conditions for somebody who needs it. The things that make me different from a Trot or an anarchist are so astronomically outside the lens of what the majority of the population is even thinking about that I very much doubt that debating whether to publicly execute the landlords is going to warrant anything more than a civil theoretical argument. We're in step when someone asks us whether poor people should be liquefied for profit or if white supremacists should be legally entitled to demonstration in public, and those battles are already very real and very consequential.

    Not to say that the differences don't or won't matter, but it's hard to be concerned with the layout or the decor when we don't even know what we're going to build.

  • My girlfriend and I have been watching through Lost again lately and it seems like this is something the show handled well in the first season, then it started getting concerned with the mystery and the nature of the island and lost touch with its characters.

    The show seemed so aware of those tropes. Michael was an absent father. Sun was a subservient wife. Sayid was a torturer. But that's not all there is to it. Michael was an absent father because his son was taken from him and their relationship is strained because Walt has been led to believe that Michael is exactly what everyone expects a black father to be. Sun's husband seems like the head of household in-charge push-her-around type but it's behavior he learned from her father by working for him, and then we come to find out that she secretly speaks English and she has been put in an empowering position where her husband needs her help. Sayid's greatest contribution to the islanders is not violence but extensive knowledge. Plus it was cool as shit to see him being the most level-headed character and to exude all that fucking sex appeal in those scenes where he and Kate had clear chemistry.

    Then they lost it. Michael turns violent and single-minded (for understandable enough reasons). Jin and Sun are still great, but the language barrier dynamic gets minimized quickly and they end up sticking with a standard marriage repair/separation plotline for the remainder of the show. Sayid does next to nothing for all of Season 2 and then goes down that weird turned-evil control-of-his-soul plotline and then


    literally blows himself up in the end what the fuck

  • Yeah, the MCU has stepped into that problem recently, too.

    It wasn't always like this. You can read classic 60s era Spider-Man or Fantastic Four and it's remarkably easy to follow. Every now and then there's a stray annual or crossover, but they were pretty good at saying "it happened here! go read it!" and moving on without being too confusing. It started getting brutal in the 90s when Spider-Man was carrying three or four different series at the same time and they all overlapped. Then in the 2000s they got big on the annual crossover events and ever since it's like you have a small, grounded story where Kamala Khan is thinking about boys and fighting street-level crime then all of a sudden universe ending event and she's in space fighting gods. Say goodbye to whatever storyline she had going on before that, because then they're just renumbering the series next week. And they can't afford to do anything interesting because they have to stop what they're doing and focus on the big event that's right around the corner.

    Now the MCU is at the point where they make a movie about the nature of gods and they can't really address the nature of gods because there are now like five pantheons of gods in the MCU and to make any sort of change in their hierarchy affects 12 other stories that are being written, so instead they just get a bunch of dumb jokes. Sure, they could dial it back to like, 3 movies a year and nothing else, but that would mean less money.

    Unfortunately you need one of those dumb CBR-adjacent websites to give you a reading order any time you want to read through some Marvel Comics from the past 20 years. Marvel Unlimited just isn't designed to accommodate that problem.