Hexagons [e/em/eir]

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 10th, 2023

  • I can try to square that circle for you. Here's my (I think pretty reasonable) take on scooters:

    Right now, with city infrastructure the way it is, they're terrible. There's nowhere to ride them safely, they get left on sidewalks and bike paths, they're just extremely dangerous right now, whether you're riding one or just being around them.

    But. They don't have to be like this! Get rid of cars, put racks of scooters next to train stations and bus stations, have a bit of societal education about how to ride them safely, and boom! Great solution to the last mile problem! If there are convenient places to park them people won't leave them on random sidewalks. If streets are full of scooters instead of cars, and if we get some rules of the road engrained in the public consciousness, then they won't be dangerous, either for the rider or surrounding pedestrians and cyclists.

    They could be (and should be) a great innovation, but their current implementation is so, so fucking bad, and leads to serious danger and accidents.

  • Hexagons [e/em/eir]tochapotraphousebye bye youtube
    4 months ago

    Oh yeah? I should probably check it out again then. It most certainly didn't work several years ago when I quit twitch (Ublock origin is still the adblocker I use) (I don't remember exactly when I stopped using twitch, time is a fuck)

    Edit: oh you seem to be correct! I just went on twitch for the first time in years, and, uh, no ads? That actually might be pretty bad for me. Because I will watch streams all day if I'm not stopped from doing so somehow. Well, damn, but also, it's objectively good, so I'm torn

    Edit again: oh wait no, just saw an ad, and I'm unwilling to figure out exactly why or what I could do to mitigate it, since twitch is bad for me anyway. Ah well, no twitch for me, it's ok!

  • Hexagons [e/em/eir]tochapotraphousebye bye youtube
    4 months ago

    Hahahaha, this is what made me quit twitch, for good. I'll do the same with YouTube. It'll suck, yes, but it'll ultimately be good for me and my mental health. 3 years from now I won't miss YouTube.

  • Hahaha, having men try to interact with me as a man is so fucking weird! I don't think I'll ever get used to it, even though it's going to keep happening for the rest of my life, because apparently I look like a man, despite being all of 5'0".

    Like today a 60-70 year old drunk biker boomer guy at the bar I sometimes go to told me a whole ass story about how he used to get in fights all the time, and I tried my best to respond appropriately, pretending I knew what it was like to get into physical altercations with people, but like, I don't, because I was a girl during prime fighting years, so I have never been anywhere close to being in a physical fight with anyone.

    Life is really fucking strange sometimes, you know?

  • Well alright, that's fine, but then, like, so what? How is it helpful to think about "subconscious sex" if really the idea there is no more than "some people are more comfortable if certain parts of their biology are changed from what their bodies would do without intervention"? What do we gain by saying something like "everyone has a subconscious sex that may or may not match the gender we're assigned at birth and could even have very little to do with what society calls 'sex' "?

    Am I underselling the idea somehow?

    (Thanks for talking with me, I'm really not trying to be argumentative or contrarian. cat-trans )

  • If sex is entirely constructed, than the only reason we have to explain dysphoria is as internalized patriarchal norms.

    I think fundamentally this is what I don't agree with. I don't believe I feel better with a testosterone-dominant endocrine system because of societal norms. It's a body thing, not a society thing, at least for me. But, that doesn't necessarily mean "sex" isn't socially constructed. Why does feeling better with testosterone necessitate that I be "subconsciously male"?

    Let me say a little more: I had tits once, and I got top surgery to remove them. That choice was purely societal. In a perfect world, I would have kept my tits while being on testosterone. Would you still say I'm "subconsciously male" if my ideal body would have large (they were big and wonderful) boobs, but also facial and body hair? If so, what exactly does "male" mean? If not, what is my "subconscious sex"? Something other than male or female?

    (I do actually agree about transsexual being a word that perhaps we should keep. I far, far preferred when my official diagnosis was "transsexualism" rather than "gender identity disorder". I'm trans, but I'm not disordered.)

  • I don't think Julia Serano is totally and completely right about that. She's great, and Whipping Girl is great, very worth reading, it really helped me flesh out my understanding of gender, but still, I think she's wrong about, at least, the subconscious sex theory she posits.

    I'd like to recommend Judith Butler's new book here, but I'll be honest, I can't read Butler, I find them extremely confusing. For an easier time, you could instead watch Philosophy Tube's newest video, because Abby talks a little about this issue, following Butler. If you're interested, I also could see if my sister would be ok with me posting an excerpt of an essay she wrote on this subject, because that's my exposure to Judith Butler, filtered through my sister's writing.

  • I'm sure this isn't a complete answer, but from what I've seen from TERF rhetoric, it seems to be basically "girls rule, boys drool". They need to believe that men and women are different so that they can easily split humanity into a very basic us vs them dichotomy, with themselves in the "good" group. I don't know why they want to make sex/gender the fundamental contradiction in their lives, it seems to me there are way more explanatory ways of looking at the world, but every single TERF argument seems to boil down to hating people they perceive as men and thinking the people they hate are biologically programmed to be evil.

    But then they rarely take this idea to its logical conclusion, which would be cis-female only enclaves without any cis men or trans people present at all. Even the most rhetorically strident TERFs tend to have a cis man or two in their life who they don't seem to hate. And I have to admit I think that's odd. If someone truly in their heart of hearts believed that evil lived in the penis (or XY chromosomes or whatever), you'd think they would try harder to avoid people with those traits. You'd think genital inspections and maybe even chromosome tests would be a prerequisite to friendship with someone with that (incredibly shitty) belief.

    I dunno, I do think hatred and disgust are at the root of TERF beliefs, but I don't think most TERFs really interrogate their own beliefs very much.

  • I'm sorry you got such uncomfortable responses to that post! I thought it was a really good post and I was in the middle of typing up a comment that was a rant about my own nonbinary experiences when you deleted it (an understandable deletion, I want to emphasize).

    Thank you for being unapologetically nonbinary and anti-assimilationist here, it makes me feel more at home, for sure! It's wild being nonbinary in this binary world.

    Also, for anyone reading this who isn't nonbinary themselves, I want to emphasize the following: there is no single nonbinary experience. Do not make the mistake of thinking there are three genders (man, woman, nonbinary). The way I'm nonbinary (extremely agender) is very, very different to the way someone else might be nonbinary. For me, the answer to "what gender are you?" is "no thank you", but I can easily imagine someone for whom the answer to the very same question might be "all of them, I'm all the genders", which, again, is different to someone who might answer with "I'm mostly a man, but occasionally something else" or "I don't really have an internal sense of gender but people treat me as a woman, so I'm more or less a woman". And all of these are valid gender feelings that could fall under the nonbinary umbrella.

  • How has no one mentioned Outer Wilds yet? That's usually right on up there in these kinds of threads, because it's great. An absolute masterpiece of a game.

    Pathologic 2 is also a masterpiece, but a (purposefully) miserable game to play. It's so beautiful and the world is so rich, but it definitely demands perseverance to make it through, because it will do everything it can to make you hate it.

    A Short Hike isn't quite as narratively satisfying as the other two, but it's short and fun and extremely adorable. Just a pleasant little world to spend an afternoon in.

  • Wait, people are still talking about these movies? I enjoyed them, I'll watch any more that get made (Daniel Craig's accent is so, so funny), but you're extremely right that they're shallow. They're fun, amusing slop, but that's it, really. They're neat little whodunnit's with fairly satisfying conclusions. They're Hercule Poirot for people who will never read Agatha Christie. They're good at what they do, but I can't imagine giving either of them a rewatch, really. Not now that I know the twists.