Hexbear2 [any]

  • 26 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: March 15th, 2021

  • Hexbear2 [any]tochapotraphouseSo I'm getting a cat.
    2 months ago

    I would suggest feeding wet food exclusively if you can. One of the biggest issue with cats are kidney problems from eating dry foods, especially as the cat ages. Fancy feast original pate are somewhat affordable and decently nutritious, but if you can't afford that, even canned friskies is good, try to stick to original pates, they have less fillers.

    One of my cats refuses to eat wet food, so I feed her Wysong Epigen 90 dog/cat food. It's a very good food, and not horribly expensive.

  • I play multiple woodwinds, including recorder. Kids aren't taught how to play it right and the recorders they give the kids are kinda junky so they sound bad. The recorder is a quiet instrument, one doesn't "blow" through it, they touch it to their lips and exhale, least amount of air to sound the note is always the right way to play it, it fell out of favor because it's dynamic range is so limited.

    This one is one of the best, and I've tried nearly all of them since they are so cheap:


    Recorder is a gateway to other woodwinds, flute, saxophone, and clarinet, in particular.

  • Hexbear2 [any]tochatAnybody Notice The Lovebugs Are Gone?
    3 months ago

    When I was young, boxelder bugs used to come stick to the houses in the fall seeking a warm spot--hundreds of them. Haven't seen them in over 20 years. Also, used to have tons of milkweed, grasshoppers of all species, crickets and other insects all night long, and butterflies and bees galore.

    Now it seems, all we have is mosquitos and flies.

    When I retire, I'm moving North so I can try to live in a similar climate as my youth, maybe eastern Montana or western North Dakota.

  • She's an NP, get a physician to diagnose you. Insist upon it. Board certified psychologist, with an M.D. (not a D.O.), graduated from an american school, and find out where they went to Residency and ask them how much time they've spent in the inpatient psych. NPs probably never had to spend time with inpatient psych. Trust me on this, it makes all the difference on being assured your diagnoses is accurate.

  • He's wrong. The U.S. was full of genocidal maniacs in the military leadership and Presidency throughout the cold war. In fact, War criminal Eisenhower threatened to nuke China in the first Taiwan Straight Crises, which led to China building their own nuclear weapons to avoid being pushed around, making the world that much less safe. If you really want to know how bad things were, the leaked Pentagon papers is a good place to start.

    It's a miracle that we didn't have a world-ending nuclear holocaust.

  • Conspiracy to advance US interests: It was a cyber attack by state actors that led to the ship malfunction.

    Conspiracy to blame Captain of the Port as a scapegoat so US won't admit fault: Captain of the Port didn't mandate use of harbor tugs for moving past the bridge (it should be a regulation, that its not is ridiculous).

    Conspiracy theory to advance private economic interests: Like 9-11, it's better to take out skyscrapers and critical infrastructure using accidents so the public bears the costs rather than the owners.

  • Hexbear2 [any]tourbanismHmm,
    4 months ago

    I feel like the truss bridge design using rigid steel support structure was a bad one. For such a long span, it seems cable support is the safest because cables allow for some movement and the structure isn't as rigid. If it weren't the ship, an earthquake may have eventually cause the same outcome. That thing fell like a wet noodle upon impact of just one support column, seems like a really bad design. Should have built something like golden gate bridge.

  • Steak is literally one of the easiest things to cook. You can easily buy a nice USDA prime steak from a local butcher, pay 25% the cost, and cook it in 20-30 minutes. If you're fancy, and it's a thick cut, dry brine it overnight with salt, and then sous vide or bake in oven at like 250, then finish by searing in a hot pan with butter (or ghee) that was infused with rosemary and crushed garlic. Still stupid easy to do.

    I only go out to eat for things that are a pain to make, like many Indian dishes.

  • Hexbear2 [any]tothe_dunk_tankLiterally the plot of a Spongebob episode
    4 months ago

    Yeah, I grew up in the corn belt. First, he's not from there, so they are going to be polite and have polite conversation. Because that's what you do with company, especially weird-o strangers who want to talk about white nationalism. Most of these people aren't as dumb as this chud might think, they're probably wondering is this guy is some sort scam artist or federal agent trying to rope them into something. Second, these are salt of the earth working class family farmers that grow corn and soybeans, these people spend their lives working, like, never going on a vacation, having a farm, and having a second job, and working until they're like 70-75 and physically can't work anymore. They don't have time for such bullshit.