• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2023

  • Not really, no. I think it is compatible with what PKMII suggested. Main character syndrome is apt here.

    I agree with Uncle Iroh when he says

    Pride is not the opposite of shame, but its source. True humility is the only antidote to shame.

    So to help bring these people out of this counter-productive shame spiral, it might help more to consider the roots of their shame rather than leaving it at the succinct Main Character Syndrome.

  • I see what you mean, but I think there actually is a bit more to this. To me, reading this made me consider how individuals internalize responsibilities for collective ills. I think we as humans are very limited in our ability to know our own contributions to these mass endeavors in fuckery. We've created systems too complex for individuals to understand, and then when they try to reckon with their complicity they end up internalizing guilt for either way more than their individual contributions, or if they can't face up to that they end up rejecting their complicity entirely.

    I guess I just think that the horrors of capitalism and imperialism create evils on a scale that is hard for our brains to grapple with.

  • My submission would be Legend of Legaia, its an old JRPG with some fighting game inspirations that has some really bleak levels in it. For instance a city where the residents have been consumed and fused with an enormous monster, so you find them as these like fleshy statue growths that are still aware of their situation, but powerless to escape it