• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 11th, 2023


  • The drow being black skinned and evil... while I had never associated drow with IRL people, I can see how that might be touchy in a modern context.

    I read something from R.A. Salvatore recently where he mentioned giving the drow more depth without retconning anything.
    Simply put, the classic drow, like those from Menzoberranzan, are indeed evil, but there are other drow societies out there that aren't.
    This implies the classic evil drow comes from their cruel upbringing rather than being inherent to their lineage, which is honestly something I always imagined to be the case.
    Drizzt's story already fits that.

    I thought this is a pretty simple and effective way to modernize the take on drow, without messing with the stories that have already been told.

  • Take a few mindflayers, including arcanists.
    Sure, the party could wreck them in close combat, they know that.
    Levitating to be our of melee, splitting/cornering the party with a wall of force in a nice ambush spot with difficult terrain, and just mind blasting them.
    If they ever lose the upper hand, they can just plane shift and come back later, better prepared.
    Maybe their minion fodder are hobgoblin warlords.

    I feel like most enemies encountering this party would avoid the melee meat grinder if at all possible.
    The party can probably wreck an aboleth too if they face off head-on, not that the aboleth would give them such an opportunity.

    I'd recommend TheMonstersKnow.com [... what they're doing].
    It's a blog which is also available in book form with tactics for monsters.

  • 3 paladins, 6 players, what's the other 3?
    Any fireballs?
    A mob of smaller enemies could give a bit of work to paladins, between raw numbers and pack tactics or stuff like that.
    Running hordes by Sly Flourish might help keep it reasonably flowing: https://slyflourish.com/running_hordes.html
    Even if they get fireballed, at least those characters get to shine for once.

    Keep in mind that you, as a DM, "win" whenever everyone's having fun, not when you beat them.
    That said, it sure is fun for everyone when you give them a challenge.

    You can also put pressure on them indirectly.
    If they're so fearful, maybe the monsters just avoid them so they can focus on easier pickings.
    Their martial prowess is unmatched, sure, but how do the bad guys deal with it?
    Maybe the bbeg sacrifices fodder to occupy the party to buy themselves time to focus on whatever ritual or macguffin.
    Even goblins could overwhelm them eventually, given the numbers. A hundred? A thousand?

    Also, the party can't be everywhere at once.
    The ones occupying the PCs die just fine, but the other hundred still ransacked the town.
    Whether the PCs crush the monsters might not matter to your bbeg if they can just delay them long enough to accomplish their goals.
    Maybe the bbeg has a doppelganger win their trust or manipulates them somehow.

    Mechanically, your paladins probably dumped dex or int. Feeblemind, Enemies Abound, Mebtal Prison, Synaptic Static or even Mind Sliver could be annoying.
    But then, is it fun? Idk.
    A few mindflayers ambushing them, or maybe a vampire turning a beloved NPC.
    If you can't challenge their martial prowess, challenge their morals.
    Will the party keep messing with the bbeg plans, or will they focus their efforts on saving that npc, buying the bbeg time.

    Maybe a one way portal can spice things up more than a bag of hp or a save-or-suck effect.