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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Ok pal slow your roll. I'm on your side and you're right. I said what I took from his quote not what it actually means and definitely not how it's used in pop culture. I know what it means. You can call me lazy, cause I don't bother to really explain myself well online, but please don't call me ignorant. You come across as looking for a fight and that doesn't make me want to actually engage you in a serious discussion.

  • 'Capitalism is the worst from of economy, except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.' - modified Winston Churchill quote. While I know how I use the quote in my head isn't how Churchill intended, to me it means don't settle for something just because it's the best option that's currently available.

  • InputZero@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlThe Future of AI
    6 months ago

    I have, and it's pretty presumptuous of you to speak for an entire group of diverse people like that. Artist can't agree on what art is let alone if any one method is superior to another. I will say I've perceived there is a lot more anxiety than excitement over Generative AI but it would be foolish to assume that there is a consensus.

    Artist is probably the second most diverse term for a group of people I can think of, behind the word people. Off the top of my head Corridor Digital embrace AI. They're pushing it's boundaries and are acutely aware that AI is destabilizing. Unless you don't consider them artists. I am not implying that they speak for all artists, or even that their opinion is aligned with the majority opinion. I'm merely providing an example of positive discourse on the subject.

  • InputZero@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlThe Future of AI
    6 months ago

    Couldn't agree more! Capitalism sucks! Also to add on to that, artist haven't come to many consensies about generative AI. The only one I think everyone can agree on is that it'll be disruptive, and makes the future for people who earn a living creating art even more uncertain than it already was. Whether that future is good or bad is entirely up for debate, although I think it'll land somewhere in the middle. Regardless of any of that, Pandora's box is open and it can't be closed.

  • InputZero@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlThe Future of AI
    6 months ago

    Protecting creative jobs is extremely important, full stop. AI generation is a destabilizing development, I don't want to see it locked up in walled gardens or thrown away though. What I hope to see is a new generation of artists pushing the boundaries with open source AI tools. Yeah a lot of that's going to be bespoke porn... What am I even saying...?

    We're just apes with fancy tools afterall. The same things were said about photoshop and digital art. We'll be fine, just get stocked up with some brain bleach.

  • There is absolutely a food safety reason to replace a sponge. Most bacteria don't just die when they're in dry nutrient poor environments. They desiccate themselves into a spore form. Those spores can stay like that for very long periods of time until their environment becomes more wet. Then they can continue their lifecycle until they dry out again. Dry doesn't mean sterile.

  • Your personal opinion is wrong, I'm sorry I am being so brash but I don't know how else to say it. The fly ash from fossil fuel combustion contains radioactive material that's spread over an enormous area when it's burnt. The amount of radioactive exposure we receive everyday from burning fossil fuels is orders of magnitude more than all the nuclear accidents combined. As counter intuitive as it is, closing nuclear power plants exposes the general public to more radiation not less.

    In my personal opinion, globally humanity should not be building very many new nuclear reactors. Admittedly there are certain applications that nuclear energy is the responsible choice. Renewable energy sources are the clear winner, safe, reliable. Closing the nuclear power plants we have will only accelerate climate change and in a roundabout way expose us to more radiation. I realize that nuclear energy is scary but the dangers we don't immediately see from fossil fuels are worse.

  • So do not say to them I'll talk to you when you're acting like an adult. Patronizing a patient or family member will always end up badly. Just like it is not your responsibility to go into a burning room to save a patient, it is not your responsibility to endure physical and sexual abuse. Unfortunately, physical and sexual abuse is rampant in the healthcare sector and is something that every health care professional needs to learn to work with. That said, your facility should have a policy in place for just such an occasion. They should have educated you on it and you should never have any worries about when you use it. You should talk to your supervisor, the senior nurses, or your union rep so they can show you what to do. You shouldn't be making decisions when that happens, you should be just following protocol.

  • InputZero@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlWhy not?
    10 months ago

    Huh, I was unaware of this church. I hope you realize that we were role playing characters from a table top board game gone super franchise titled Warhammer and Warhammer 40,000. As far as I'm aware, the Warhammer franchise is not associated in any way with the Columbus, Ohio Christian Xenos Church. That's why I included terms like Adeptus Mechanics which is pulled directly from the franchise.