That is true, my bad. My point still stands in the case of the Dem party leadership, who pretended to parrot the same rhetoric cynically whereas the Lincoln Project circlejerkers et al believed it actually
That is true, my bad. My point still stands in the case of the Dem party leadership, who pretended to parrot the same rhetoric cynically whereas the Lincoln Project circlejerkers et al believed it actually
"Here's my revolutionary new strategy: what we just tried to do!"
Nobody allowed near money is truly incompetent. The function of all of this rhetoric, so called "strategy" etc was to win with a pro-capital mandate or lose to fundraise again. Lenin asks us to consider who stands to gain when it comes to bourgeois politics
Don't spend another minute arguing with family, friends, coworkers or Internet strangers. Go read the classic Marxist canon, read the history of socialist movements, and join an organization
The world to an American is what they can fit inside their new F150. This is what the culture of imperialism and settlerism has wrought
This will probably not happen. He'll do some public gaffe while his handlers and cronies disassemble the public sector shock doctrine style, just like 16-20. He's not really a cunning motivated guy, he's just a saucy old narcissist mostly. Hamburber dinners and more AmeriKKKan fascism. Although he may die soon, especially if he gets COVID again
Good luck, kick ass
Most have correctly realized that bourgeois democracy is a sham for working people
Step #1 of the new revolutionary government: proletarianize Halloween
Anyone offering you anything that's not written down can take it away at any time. It could be a legit offer, but if you rely on it, it puts you in a position of vulnerability. My advice is say sure, and have a back up plan. Trust your gut in all things. Good luck!
Smash barm, Wigan kebab with pae wet, babby's yed and chips
This is quite literally sheepdogging
What a handsome guy
Good riddance to bad rubbish
Phonebanking for the Bolsheviks as we speak
Fucking awesome
Yeah need to know this ASAP
The struggle is not so apparent in the beating heart of 21st century imperialist hegemony, but if you look you will find it. In many real ways, the world proletarian revolution continues everywhere, even in the minds of the oppressed. The goal however is to widen the frontier of revolution everywhere