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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 31st, 2023


  • It would have been fine if they'd either removed Vince Vaughn or made him the main story.

    He was acting like he just saw Jeremy irons in dungeons and dragons and thought he was being too subtle. He had 0 awareness that there were other actors in the show, he made every scene a Shakespeare's soliloquy about how intense he was.

    That was the problem, everyone was acting it 15/10 intense, and you can't have every character be s1 rusty, woody actually did a great job as the straight man keeping it from devolving into a huge mess.

  • I saw very little of it.

    The early 90s had a massive dearth of sci-fi TV, we just got star trek back but the recession killed effects budgets for years till t2 kick started the genre again.

    It wasn't good, it had a lot of moments that were clearly broken.

    I wouldn't call it unwatchable though, there was a small charm, and maybe it's just small farm town me desperate for anything more complex than hee-haw and the 700 club.

    Basically, of all the sci-fi TV series of the early 90s, TekWar was by far, one of them.

    To anybody here who is statistically destined to outlive me: you guys missed the early sci-fi channel. Bsg classic, buck Rogers, Blake's 5, Galactica 1980 FFS! there were shows there you couldn't imagine.

    It's like the sci-fi version of toonami, but like, almost completely terrible.