• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • The hivemind is an analogy for the way the average person had turned on the war and viewed it as a national disgrace. Just watch that opening act of Rambo, the soldiers returning from Nam late in the conflict came home to joblessness and derision. A far cry from the parades and support of the GI bill the generation before had.

    Haldeman is trying to show a universal truth of long wars, at some point the home you left stops existing, and you return to a place that isn’t what you fought for in the first place, though of course Haldeman takes this to absurdity almost. Like many vets of Vietnam Mandela and his fellow soldiers are now so feared and removed that society doesn’t have a mechanism for integration. Haldeman uses genetic and cultural shifts to represent the more subtle social ones.

  • Forever War and Forever Free are an amazing duo. I don’t think they are amateurish though, Haldeman writes these exactly as they need to be to represent the difficulty Vietnam vets faced returning home.

    Edit: I confused the novels Forever Free and Forever Peace. Forever Free is the duet to Forever War, while Forever Peace is disconnected but plays with similar themes as both Forever War and Ender’s Game.

  • It’s my general opinion that you’re right. Specifically I think Blair had questions and raised them with the closest Cabinet member to the issue; it was Mandelson’s responsibility to have someone look into it at length.

    Ultimately, and I believe this of all PMs, we can’t afford as a nation for them to be in the business of bug tracking. They have to have some trust their governmental departments are on top of the tech. This goes double the further back you go, general computer literacy drops. I can’t hold Blair, or Major, to account for not understanding the broad reach of these sorts of flaws.

    What I can’t understand is how the Post Office and Fujitsu got away without a pen test on the software; especially when their core argument was “it is impossible to remotely access”.

  • Look at Brown’s dissolution list for gods’ sake, I haven’t counted exactly but a quick eyeball would seem it had more opposition appointments to Lords than Labour appointments.

    Blair didn’t do it because he got caught showing the system up. So actually the last Labour list was issues in… 1976. In fact only two Labour PMs ever have done it, Atlee and Wilson. Whoever at the Downing Street press office who spins their shit really doesn’t want us to look up their claims.

  • “So this will be heard on every ship in the fleet?” “Yes, they’re just digitising and automating everything, so the commander presses a button and your voice plays…” “I’m not interested in all that, can we just crack on?”

    The simplicity of that exchange, that Toast desperately wants to know why he’s saying these lines, but also is an ego maniac determined to show everyone this work is beneath him, cutting off the answer to a question he asked just to say he’s not interested, total genius. Toast of London, and in particular these recording scenes, is the best English comedy of the 2010s for me.

  • I was the same. I started listing to podcasts in about 2007, it wasn’t until 2018 I started listening to a Star Trek pod. Ben and Adam are my personal recommendation because they A. Are funny B. Go episode by episode, giving the show a really followable structure C. Used to be film production professionals and pick up on techniques that even I, a fellow film production professional, don’t notice.

    They love trek, but will happily rip the arse out of it when deserved.

  • It’s only one page long and reads

    “I lied. I cheated. I bribed men to cover the crimes of other men. I am an accessory to murder. But the most damning thing of all… I think I can live with it. And if I had to do it all over again, I would. Garak was right about one thing, a guilty conscience is a small price to pay for the safety of the Alpha Quadrant. So I will learn to live with it. Because I can live with it. I can live with it. “Also I’m a god now”