Katyusha [none/use name]

  • 2 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: October 5th, 2020


  • I think a majority have never even bothered to watch an episode. Also hilarious to hear about the "toxic chapo brand" when they get people like zizek, wolff and other big leftists on the show. Sorry the PSL doesn't want to go on your shitpost site and you need an excuse why.

  • The podcast will always be miles more entertaining and informative than this site. It is funny to see the hatred of the pod continue from subreddit to chapo.chat though. Honestly I only see this site continue to shrink in userbase with all these pointless decisions.

  • Katyusha [none/use name]toaskchapo*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    Yeah the mod is very openly anti-nazi, the entire theme of the mod is showing how the nazi ideology is unsustainable and will inevitably collapse in on itself while also showing a story of how dark life would be under it.

  • I like to think the continued decline of the UK is karmic justice for all their imperial crimes. As soon as starmer became the party leader, i lost any hope they might be redeemed. I hope Scotland and NI are able to escape this sinking ship and leave England to continue to rot in their irrelevancy. The anglosphere will forever be the most cursed nations on Earth.

  • Completely agree, from what I've read, the John Brown is crazy argument originates from southerners trying to prevent Brown from becoming a martyr and northerners trying to convince the south this was a one time event and to prevent succession. Reading about his early life, it's clear from a young age he had these views and saw himself as acting in the service of the lord in stopping slavery. There's a good quote from abolitionist Wendell Phillips that describes the whole period perfectly "hard to tell who’s mad."