KingPush [he/him]

  • 2 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: April 3rd, 2021


  • KingPush [he/him]tochapotraphouseWhy the hate for Trotsky?
    2 years ago

    Always maintained that Trotsky was a good guy and smart theorist (maybe I think would’ve been better then Stalin), but ultimately the differences between Trotskyism and you know your average ML group at this point come down to mostly aesthetic. And the groups tend to be British and dogmatic.

  • I just finished Philip Short’s, interviewed on RWN, Putin biography. Aside from some of your normal anticommunist stuff, and a couple other things (he sort of insinuates Putins mom may have eaten his brother) it’s pretty good.

    It’s a pretty measured look at Putin as an individual, and it’s one of the more mainstream adjacent works that more or less puts the blame for this current conflagration pretty squarely on the west. I’d say it’s probably worth a read, though it’s long.