KoboldKomrade [he/him]

  • 1 Post
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: April 29th, 2021

  • Guy has negative opsec. This is basically a script kiddie doing some dumb shit that might get him in trouble both here and in NK. It sounded like the feds were mad he took it down and disrupted their spy shit. Also causing an international incident and exposing all your life details is real big brain.

    Honestly, I went to college with 19 year olds smarter then this guy. They at least did basic opsec and had a legitimate interest in not getting caught.

  • KoboldKomrade [he/him]tourbanismHello, Aquaman?
    4 months ago

    100k was pretty doable for workers where my dad lived. 200k is a stretch, basically destroys the "expendable" portion of a budget there. The 200k was near to Disney (within an hour), and pay was somewhat higher, so kinda doable for a lower-middle class person. 400k isn't doable for anyone but those interested in landlording. Monthly payments are higher then rents, and rents are already barely doable.

  • KoboldKomrade [he/him]tourbanismHello, Aquaman?
    4 months ago

    Its price. Dad sold his house for ~120k. 4 years later sells again for 250k. Houses where I went to college went from 200k to 400k-500k. Its insane. These are like 2-3 bedroom houses too, in a decent area, but not the "best".

  • KoboldKomrade [he/him]tofurryDark dragon lady
    4 months ago

    This person's art is real good. Love kobolds and dragons.

    Also insane that I've seen their adoptables go for like $1k. Need to learn to draw to get on that furry dragon money...

  • Dang I was just about to post something similar.

    Instead: I'll say that the comment ironically shows how absurd it is. A show every 2 days, to 10k people (good luck maintaining that average), for an entire lifetime. No breaks.

    Or consider giving someone $1m a year. The oldest people who lived are around 120 and would "only" have 1/10th of a billion.

  • KoboldKomrade [he/him]tothe_dunk_tankFinal boss of Quora
    4 months ago

    I'm convinced Quora is either an LLM test ground or a CIA op to try to make people dumber/people sound dumb. It literally came from no where and was shoved on us all yet I have never heard a real human say they use it.

    Vs Yahoo Answers, people were shitposting on there constantly, posts felt and looked real, were dumb but in the "I'm actually don't know this" and not in the "I'm being wrong to upvote my opinion" way, and was "organically" picked by way of Yahoo being some people's default site already.

  • Wikipedia has Reddit brain. Any article about any subject is viewed equal. Except when the article is a primary or secondary source (those are too biased) or if they're on the No-no list, or if they're not on the Good list. I've seen "sources" that were 20 years behind the current science/level of discussion be used. Absolute joke of a "resource".