LargeAdultSon [she/her]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: November 18th, 2020


  • LargeAdultSon [she/her]tomovies*Permanently Deleted*
    3 years ago

    I enjoyed Godzilla KotM in the most dumbguy way possible. I felt like I was an excited 7-year-old whenever King Ghidorah was on screen and was just stocked overall to see expensive, blockbuster versions of the big 4 fighting it out. But yoh, was the story hot garbage though.

    The Godzilla movie I want the most is basically the exact opposite of this ecofascist trash. Let's go back to him being an unstoppable force punishing humanity for our destructive arrogance, but this time capitalism instead of nukes. Give me a big heavy-handed climate change allegory fucking shit up while bumbling old ghouls try to implement technocratic and eventually military solutions that all predictably fail. And instead of the resolution being a bigger bomb, it's at best like post-apocalyptic communism.

  • LargeAdultSon [she/her]tovideos*Permanently Deleted*
    3 years ago

    If you have a second to sum up what the actual deal was with the Devotion banning, I'd appreciate hearing it, because the last time I tried to find any side to the story that wasn't like, redditors declaring it the worst atrocity of communism since that guy maybe got run over by a tank or something, all I saw were such disastrous takes I decided that it wasn't worth the brainhurt to continue.

  • LargeAdultSon [she/her]tovideos*Permanently Deleted*
    3 years ago

    Yeah, his interests and politics and general vibe reminds me of a friend from my masters days who's started gaining actual political consciousness after years of gamerbro self-declared "centrism". Two years ago he thought banning fascists from Twitter and punching Nazis was bad because "where do you draw the line?!? 😭" and he's no longer saying dumb shit like that, bless his heart, but he still doesn't know anything about China he hasn't learned on reddit. Still, heard him telling somebody to watch an Adam Curtis movie the other day, and he's loving Citations Needed, so I have hope for his reeducation. Be patient with our noob comrades, folks.

  • Oh and don't forget all the optional charges that can get stacked on top of that for extra pages, figures above a certain size, and other bullshit that shouldn't matter at all when none of this stuff gets physically printed anymore, anyway.

    It's also ridiculous that a lot of these charges are chalked up to "paper processing fees" when the reviewers and often even the editors are volunteers (who more often than not have to find time outside of office hours to do that, since most universities don't factor it into their academics' expected workloads).

  • Jim Stephanie Sterling, Age of Empires II hidden cup, bunch of chillwave, lecture on a maths thing I was cramming a few months ago, Kyle Kulinski saying Milo is ex-gay now, top 5 Attack on Titan whatever, guy making Charmander out of putty.

    (Think I'm going with that last one.)

  • Is it ok to not enjoy it because the writing is trash and all the "this character is a titan!" reveals feel completely random and unearned. Haven't read it, watching the anime for the first time now, and just a few minutes ago got to the part in season 2 where two characters casually joke that they are the Armoured and Colossal Titans EXCEPT THAT THEY ACTUALLY ARE. What the fuck??? Nothing lead up to this. In fact, the immediately preceding episodes don't really make sense now. What a Game of Thrones season 8 -tier rubbish plot twist.

  • Building up enough self esteem to stop relying on that for validation is difficult and takes a long time, especially because just staying in that cycle fucks up your self esteem further.

    Don't want to make assumptions about anybody's experience, so @zukostan98 please correct me if this isn't the same thing, but what you said reminded me of a conversation I had with a gay friend about imposter syndrome. We both felt like we weren't smart enough to be in our fields, so we specifically sought out approval of the assholes who are most notorious for ripping students to shreds, because praise only felt "real" if it came from somebody who's skeptical of everything. (Mostly, this is just a great way to get ripped to shreds yourself, which obviously doesn't help you feel good enough.) He told me that his 4chan stage, and attempts to be friends with the shittiest, most homophobic bro dudes when he first came out came from a similar sense of needing to clear the "highest" bar to prove to himself that he wasn't the awful stereotype of a gay man he had in his head. I can't imagine how hard it would be for Blaire or Milo or somebody like that to escape that way of thinking, now that they've built a whole public persona and income around it.

  • Fuck man, all of this sucks so much but the chair part especially is so demeaning. Is that mostly an America thing? I've never heard of an explicit 'no sitting' rule here. Maybe I'm putting too much faith in our mostly useless government, but I want to believe that if anybody bigger than a small business tyrant tried that, they'd soon get smacked down for ableism or something.

  • LargeAdultSon [she/her]tomainWhat kind of dogs do you like?
    4 years ago

    This. Had a chihuahua since the mid-2000's when my dumb preteen self really wanted one for dumb Paris Hilton -related reasons and somehow managed to get my mom on board with the idea. He was the sweetest little weirdo. We took training him seriously precisely because we didn't want an annoying tiny dog, but our Labrador was the real mvp: he let the chihuahua play-fight with him like a big brother letting his little brother almost win so he can feel tough 😂 Still miss that little dude.

  • LargeAdultSon [she/her]tomainfuck planned obsolescence
    4 years ago

    The one that really fucking gets to me is laptop charger cables. Mine inevitably died yesterday, after a sad life of having to bend 90 degrees to accommodate the ridiculous straight pin that Dell saw fit to give it. Of course the cable is attached to the power supply, so you can't just swap out this cheap and unnecessarily fragile component. And of course they've generic-proofed the laptop so I can only buy a branded replacement.

    Fuck that shit. I just melted the plastic off the pin with a heat gun and re-soldered it lower down. The thought of all the expensive power supplies that never needed to be sold, and all the perfectly good ones with busted cables cluttering up drawers in homes and winding up in landfills makes me so angry.

  • Oh hey! I'm an inattentive adult-diagnosed ciswoman too. (In hindsight, was hyper as a kid, though.)

    I feel like my parents selectively believe me. Or believe in the disorder, but not the medically-recommended treatment. Like, if they're being judgy about me smoking weed or spending my money on something they consider frivolous, then I have this very real and serious problem that compels me to substance abuse and bad financial discipline. (I don't and have never had problems with either.) But meanwhile, I totally don't need medication and would be fine if I just read {current trendy neolib productivity grifter book}, took an omega 3 supplement and learned some good old-fashioned self discipline. Maybe yoga too, depending on when last my mom came across one of those awful "I have (probably self-diagnosed) ADHD and I'm treating it with downward dogs not pills!" accounts on Twitter.