• 5 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 14th, 2023


  • 30+ years of poverty, misery and capitalist plunder, culminating in a devastating military conflict - all because of the USSR is not around anymore. Yet, they go out and "celebrate" its dissolution, surrounded by rivers of literal shit because the "independent" government stole the money that was set aside to repair the sewage system (Soviet-built, by the way). Fucking cucks...

    Seriously, though - the US has the best propaganda money can buy.

  • those with sense should probably leave the country, or at least hope their homes lie behind the Russian side of the border

    Sadly, that would exclude a lot of people - the majority would not be able to afford uprooting and leaving. My parents, for example, are way in their 60s and retired - you know how it goes with neoliberal pensions, their only hope is me. And I'm not trying to be dramatic - that's just how it's going to be.

    There’s no reason to believe the Nazis will be ousted anytime soon, not anywhere without Russian assistance, at least. By-and-large they’ve preserved their ideologically-aligned troops while sending the conscripts to the front to die- and they have the backing of the entire west behind them.

    And this is precisely the reason why I think Russia is going to denazify the ENTIRE Ukraine. There's not going to be any partitioning, they will not carve out Western Ukraine and give it to the Poles. The Banderites will ALWAYS pose a problem for Russia. You have to remember - the majority of the people in Ukraine are bilingual and they can either easily switch to Russian or quickly pick it up. A perfect pool to draw future terrorists against Russia who can blend in and wreak havoc. Russia may not want to go there militarily, but they are (I think) going to try to topple the government, install their people, and order those people to go on a hunt in Western Ukraine. How that's going to play out - whether there's going to be a long, protracted guerrilla warfare or the Nazis will just run like the little rats they are - we shall see...

    Honestly? I genuinely think that Russian annexation is the best of a plethora of bad options and possibilities for Ukraine’s future ahead.

    I genuinely don't know, maybe you are right but who knows. One factor that can play a significant role is the way the local people would react. My take on it is that the locals will see it as occupation, which may mean the US could continue to destabilize the region over and over again, funding guerrilla groups and clandestine operations just for the sake of it, and I think Russia knows that as well... I mean, if we randos understand this - they do too. Running an occupation is difficult and expensive, annexing a problematic region may play a very bad joke.

  • Honestly this is why I believe that Hakim’s personal channel is still holding relatively strong compared to JT and Yugo. He is a doctor. Not a content creator. This is a hobby and a pastime for him, not how he makes his bread and butter. In turn, that means he has little to no incentive to try and squeeze as much money as possible from a corporate algorithm that pays his salary.

    Material analysis - hits the mark every time.

  • Figuring out one's motive is always difficult. Perhaps due to their material interests - being afraid of losing the audience. Perhaps because of good old ignorance. Perhaps due to fear of pushback or persecution. Perhaps they got co-opted, or there's something insidious about the three. Time will give us the clues, I guess

  • What i am mad about is that none of the other two guys of the trio told JT that this Ukraine video is dogshit and that you can’t discuss the Ukraine conflict without talking about its internal politics

    That we don't know, I guess. Whatever they may tell him (or may have told already) - I doubt they will do it publicly or in the comment section, and also - he may as well tell them "my channel - my rules, I'm doing it". IDK about Hakim, but Yugo is probably not gonna say much - I remember him posting a copy of the two gymnasts meme on Twitter - "the US does this and that, all the dirty tricks - loses; China does nothing - wins", where he conveniently smeared the "Support the Nazis in Ukraine" piece with a gray line. Yugo received a TON of shit in the comment section for that - deservedly so.

  • I think they missed a huge opportunity to talk about what this war is truly about and where it originated, this could have been a great video to educate others on the deep rooted context that informs this conflict but I guess we couldn’t get that… maybe next time.

    That's just the thing... In what way are you better than the liberals if you talk about this very important stuff after the conflict has ended, not while it's still ongoing? To paraphrase, "Liberals are always against every war except the current one". You educating people on the matter makes a difference - it stirs people in a direction different from the common Western propaganda narrative, which helps bring down this bubble. When it is over and they come out and say "hey, you know what? what actually happened in Ukraine was this and that and this and that...", it would be 10 times less impactful.