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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 25th, 2023

  • LilB0kChoy@lemm.eetourbanismCould?
    9 months ago

    Twin Cities has great transit.

    No, the Twin Cities has highly ranked mass transit in the United States. That doesn’t mean it’s great, it instead speaks to how poor mass transit is in the US.

    The Met Council and partners are working to improve and make it better but they’ve got a long way to go.

    I’d love to get rid of my car and use the mass transit, I hate driving. As it currently is though I’ll be better served when I buy an e-bike this coming spring and use that to get around instead.

  • LilB0kChoy@lemm.eetourbanismCould?
    9 months ago

    I don’t but they’re not wrong about the transit. I live in a row home within 6 miles of the Minnesota state capital building, the state the user you’re replying to is from.

    Sorry to ruin your gotcha moment.

  • $208,063.88

    This would pay off our mortgage and we could dump that monthly payment into saving for retirement.

    However, if the question was how much do we need then it would be $0. We are far more fortunate than many.

    If there was a line of all the people in this comment section waiting to get whatever amount they need I’d be one of those continuously moving to the back to let others go first.

    I hope you all find improved quality of life, even if it’s not through some financial windfall!

  • I'm going to play devil's advocate here: how is the guy on the phone supposed to know it really is the police on the other side and not just some guy trying to scam his way into a freebie?

    At the individual level this is actually pretty simple. I work in IT and when I used to do security training the way we’d validate is with a known contact.

    In this situation you get the contacting officers name and department, disconnect the call, call the non-emergency listed number for that department and ask for that officer by name.

    There’s a lot of other failure point potential in this scenario but validating the person calling is actually law enforcement shouldn’t be one of them.