• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 4th, 2023


  • It's so interesting to me how money can have such a different value for different people. I live in the EU yet I make less than 1000€ a month even though prices are at EU levels. This would more than double my income and it would mean I could finally afford new clothes, I wouldn't have to worry about having money for food, bills would be paid on time and I could even save up a meaningful ammount! It would be a literal life-saver.

  • The sad fact is you can't really escape politics and ideology since they literally permeate everything. The closest thing you can do is make something as appealing to mainstream audiences and thus as close to the stuff most people agree with, but... Liking the status quo is still a political statement at the end of the day.

    Let's say you're talking about a character in a movie who always goes out of their way to help people. That would be palatable to most, it's a very widespread worldview and value. But even then, a segment of people believe that you shouldn't help people if it doesn't get you anything (What's in it for me? Sort of mentality).

    In that situation, the person claiming you shouldn't help people for free would rightfully be labeled an asshole, but the point still is that even something as benign as that makes a statement in a conflict between an altruistic ideology (It's good to help people!) Vs an egoistic ideology (I need to get something for my effort)

    This is obviously a very simplified version of how deep politics and philosophy affect all interactions, but I hope I managed to get my point across!

    Have a nice day, stranger!