• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 1st, 2023


  • Magusbear@lemmy.mltogamesThoughts on starfield?
    1 year ago

    That's my biggest compaint and probably the reason I won't put all that much time into the game. I can excuse a lot of things in a Bethesda game, like a boring main story with bad writing or subpar combat and shitty AI, even the over reliance on fast travel with loading screens, if there was actually something worth to explore.

    Between all the procedurally generated stuff I'm having a hard time finding interesting side quests or the kind environmental story telling I like so much from fallout and elder scrolls. Unfortunately I don't care much for exploration if there isn't something cool find. In Skyrim I would often stumble upon a weird or cool place on my way to a quest that turns out to be chock full of little stories. In starfield however I started to ignore most of the points of "interest" on the map because it's almost always a bunch of same looking dudes in space suits with way too much hit points. No little stories, or at best an extremely boring radiant quest.

    And even the cities are pretty empty. Where Skyrim shines with it's tight knit communities where NPCs know and (love/hate) each other in starfield you mostly deal with corporations and their workers. But even though these corpos are the epitome of liberal bs every worker just looooves working for them and is eager to tell me their history. And I as the player can only nod and ask for more.

  • That does suck. As someone who isn't impacted by this I even thought it was getting better but I guess what I was seeing was just superficial choices like the Body A/B stuff I was talking about earlier. I am privileged enough to be only ever impacted by wanting the beards to have a different color than the hair. Which is actually a thing in a lot of games nowadays. I can hardly imagine how it must feel for everyone else to want to play as someone they can at least identify with, when the options are so heavily skewed towards a certain demographic.

  • I expected as much, although I'm absolutely fine with taking gender names out of body type choices. But as long as those gender types are binary and look exactly like typical male and female bodies there's not much of an upside to having them be named A and B. As always there needs to be more customization to include everyone.

  • I see! Yea, I saw that too, that half elf is one if not the most picked race. There are also a lot of high elf characters in general in the game when it comes to NPCs. More than I would have thought. I suspect you're right when it comes to warlocks. I have a Cleric in my party and I absolutely love their role in my party. I have a hard time switching them out for story events because of their usefulness so I think Cleric is a great choice.

    Interesting. So what do you think about having body types be called Body A/B instead of male/female? Just pandering or does it help you identifying with your character more?

  • Got it! So how do you usually play RPG games with character choice? You said your first character was a half elf warlock and then you switched to a dragonborn cleric, what made you choose the half elf at first and what made you switch to the dragonborn?

    And if you don't mind me asking, have you ever encountered a game which had the perfect character creator to build a character that actually represents you?

  • Got it! BG3/DnD is pretty human looking focused with all the half-human races and very human looking races (like Gnomes and Dwarfs), which is shame in cases as yours, so it really seems that the Dragonborn is your best bet. I usually play Orcs but Half-Orcs just aint that unfortunately, although I adore Dwarves as well so it's fine for .

    Sounds like it, yeah. I have a really hard time replaying parts of games which is why I avoid early access and the likes usually. I wasn't even sure if I wanted to play BG3 near launch, but I pirated the game to try it out and then it sucked me in and I bought it the next day.

  • Lol, 16mbits is absolutely atrocious, but worst thing is that it is not even all that unique...I know a couple of people with the same speeds.

    Good to know that there are companies with good English support in Germany as well. That is pretty unique in general. I can only speak for myself but my experience with 1&1 is really good. Their customer support was really helpful when we had internet problems that, as it turned out, they weren't responsible for at all. They also switched our connection to a dynamic ipv4 address just by asking for one over the phone, with no extra charge. The price we pay for our 250mbits connection, even with a pretty much constant discount is still too high imo, but that is true for every German internet provider.

    Aww man. You're missing out then. I'd say the day one version of BG3 is pretty good, as long as you're not racking up a huge amount of save games you should be fine (as there is a bug that was fixed with a recent hotfix regarding having too many save games). Cleric Dragonborn sounds interesting though! I'm running with a Dwarfen Paladin, which has been really fun and seems to jive well with the companions I've found so far.

  • Tell me about it...I'm German, so I understand your plight. German data plans are the worst. It's gotten better over the years but we are still far away from sensible prices. If it continues the way it did the last couple of years you'll get your old Irish mobile plan for the same price in maybe 10 years or so, it's such a fucking joke.

  • A co-worker was asking me if I could find a truly unlimited data plan for the Netherlands (we aren't from there but she frequents the country a lot and I lived there for a while). It is absolutely impossible. Every data plan has a 5-10GB per day restriction, even though they all claim to be unlimited.

    I get that it's generally done to discourage hogging the mobile network and making it miserable for everyone but in that case you shouldn't be able to call something unlimited, because 5-10GB is far far from unlimited...

  • I made the switch recently as well. I was really unsure of how the whole thing would turn out with me having used Windows for the last 20 years +, but man, it was way easier than I thought.

    I went with EndeavourOS on my desktop and Pop!OS on my laptop (for easy igpu/dedicated gpu switching) and I haven't missed Windows since. What's the most difficult is learning the new keyboard shortcuts, but even those you could rebind in Linux. Because you can customize the OS to however YOU work best, instead of having to conform to whatever the OS thinks is best for you.

    And man, package managers, am I right? How cool are they...I tried to use chocolatey and winget on Win11 but they never felt quite right, but pacman and yay? Absolutely glorious. I love typing yay into the terminal every couple of days and watching it go, keeping my system up to date.