Bought myself a Jazzmaster, besides a Buckethead Les Paul I think I'm tapped out for guitars
Bought myself a Jazzmaster, besides a Buckethead Les Paul I think I'm tapped out for guitars
Just put in a somewhat obscure quote or reference to an important year like 1917 in there.
I'm 24 today chapos!
I started balding around 21/22, currently 23 going on 24 in a couple days. I buzz it with a cheap phillips clipper with no guard about once or twice a week depending on the season (I work inside and outside so headwear is accepted in the fall and winter). I tried shaving with a razor but I found it kinda daunting since I get in grown hairs really easily so I'm putting that off until I get more confident. I kinda like not having to fuss with my hair anymore and paying for haircuts tbh, it helps if you have a decently round shaped head though.
Not really worried about the result, just hope no comrades get hurt tonight or in the near future. Other than that, I'll be sleeping like a baby.
An UsPhone would be dope if it actually existed. Imagine all the best features of the yearly released phones we have now all in one. With the added benefit that it doesn't spontaneously combust in a year due to planned obsolescence.
I've been doing this for the past year and half now, it feels amazing when you start doing it consistently and I genuinely think it helps with my anxiety/depression. Plus my friends rib me for having the sleep schedule of a geriatric lol.
Endure what you can to put yourself in a better position to be financially independent comrade. You are not your parents.
Busy week coming up have a physical, background check, and then orientation for the job I applied for last week. This whole thing is moving way quicker than I thought it would, job just came out of nowhere. Really excited about it, always excited about having a job that has a positive effect on the community.
It was only a matter of time before the circle of fifths became a political meme
I have a job interview coming up in a couple hours, the hr manager sounded really happy they got someone to apply for the job they've been wanting to fill for a while. Said they themselves worked the position some time ago and did they good job selling me on the position. I'm pretty hyped for it and the hours are convenient enough for me to go to school part time.
On top of that I recently got back on anti anxiety/anti depression meds and have been talking to a psychiatrist and psychologist weekly and working through some past traumas, even if I don't get the job things in general personally feel a lot brighter than they did even a month or so ago.
I find that anything hiding under "more tweets" tends to be spam or anti whatever the main post is about.
If that's how you choose to perceive my comment, then sure. I would not consider what I said to be "enlightened centrism" simply because I didn't immediately bend a knee to either side. There are plenty of opinions on the situation, mine is that the Uighur are just another ball of yarn being played with by China and the US.
There is no "truth" about the situation. It's just another catalyst for a proxy conflict between the US and China. Nothing either side reports should be given any levity over the other.
I think for Jazzmasters it's the "melting" offset look they have. Congrats on the Chibby btw, I've seen some that look pretty stunning.