MaoZedongOfficial [none/use name]

  • 19 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: May 3rd, 2023


  • Since everyone posts random things in the news thread and I mistakenly cleared my history forgetting which comment I was replying to about this in the process I'm just gonna leave this here B^)

    During the first few months of l'opération militaire spéciale a lot of commentators I was following overcorrected to this IM SO SORRY DIDNT BELIEVE PUTLER WOULD INVADE stance, was that pretty broad? Then most switched to "yes putler killing children is SO TERRIBLE but let's not let that distract us from palestine" (which is a smart reversal if one wanted to channel anti-imperialist pro-palestinian resentment for the benefit (HELLO BIDEN ITS ZELENSKY I NEED 5B ROCKETS ...) of ukraine for some reason)

    have had most perspectives on my radar but stuff like the OSINT pod people act is too much for me, feels like a free time sink and I avoid it. Not getting sucked into pictures of grenade drones, crushed equipment and POWs getting cut up, let alone quibbling over them with lithuanians i have important shit to do like finish the last of the book of the new sun

    Is there anyone in particular who was very good about this throughout the entire conflict in your opinion?

    I think people are too quick on the trigger, just because you're better than War Monitors,,, that doesn't mean shit

  • propagandizing the people who do have a fair bit of education and other resources and free time (lol even include the twitch ipad kids/adult-children lol) and making sure they don't become little marxist theorists or collaborate too effectively on the internet only takes a tiny push with modern technology & everyone forced online & using recommendation systems. starbucks was almost able to illegally pull organizer text messages in a court case recently iirc and hired pinkertons and the cia.

    Confusing basic ideas like neoliberalism being anti labor both at home and abroad is valuable to stymie organizing

    most propaganda is bent towards people who are bought off in some way and reassures them they are doing everythinf fine and that's why it seem overtly repulsive and agitating to everyone else going to their service job or warehouse

    I need to look more into where exactly the wealth trickles down in the core and isn't snatched up by the importers etc themselves, where the rents and debt cut into it (everywhere lol), i understand some jobs which are definitely not bourgeois labor and some which definitely are but my overall class analysis of american society is not well informed

    more of a world systems/dependency theory (basically third worldism 😂) international financial plunder and war crimes fan + domestic surveillance & cointelpro & cop horror appreciator. and a basic organizing strategies guy. Actually once we fill in a little bit of glue we might have a cohesive guy, we'll see. anyways mental note to continue this with more class analysis and more prepared anecdotes from a possible rereading of Valentine's books - it's been like three years and i mostly just search quotes i remember

  • idk if CIA is that organized and present of mind in everything they do

    wouldn't it be kind of fucked up if they managed to squash the left here by accident?? there's great and horrible friction in the events caused by US covertly like we have secretly backed rebels that provide reason for CENTCOM to come in, but it's not unintentional

    the phoenix program is interesting too because of how mad the author is that his writing about the organizational structure got turned into sensationalism about the death squads - not to diminish how horrible that is at all, in fact because My Lai got treated with undue emphasis it softly concealed how phoenix involved doing my lais 24/7 as a way of dealing with people out of range of finer wetwork & espionage & mccarthyism (to be very rough here sorry im powerwalking)