Maturin [any]

  • 0 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 25th, 2023


  • Just for the record and not one way or the other on the substance of this entire thread:

    I really respect how you’ve kept your cool up and down this thread and even retained a sense of humor that is not simultaneously dismissive of people’s concerns. I obviously don’t get to see what happens behind the scenes at this site but your attitude I think is a testament to what ultimately makes this place work even as we struggle through hard stuff.

  • Maturin [any]tocommrequestComm request: the_dunk_court
    3 months ago

    Sorry for the natopedia link but it is a reference to an actual US/NATO environmental atrocity of throwing all refuse into pits and burning them. Unlike “burn ward” where you heal people of their burns, the burn pit is a place where you actually burn what you want to get rid of but the burning of such refuse is also poisoning the one who burns it. So it also acknowledges the latent toxicity that I think forms part of the reason of this current proposal.