MemesAreTheory [he/him, any]

  • 152 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 30th, 2020


  • I expanded this post just to see what was up, lost interest after the second paragraph (not personal just not for me) and then went to scroll down the feed, but it just. Kept. Scrolling.

    Please remember to touch grass in-between gaming sessions and essays about your game. I wish I could find something i loved as much as I assume you must love TO lmao

  • Plus the West would have most of it's critical infrastructure far away from the border. Much easier to protect your heavy industry when it's 1500 miles away from the fighting. The South and Midwest have relatively vulnerable infrastructure not far from their borders, easy distance to target without having to refuel and less time to intercept any missiles.

  • Exactly that. We often quip that "America is willing to fight this war to the last Ukrainian." That's barely sarcasm if you listen to the words uttered by the ghouls in power directly, who crow proudly about how they are weakening Russia without the cost of any American lives. Ukraine has been pressing men into service, abducting them off the streets and from the arms of their loved ones, so they might be forced to the front line and be turned into pink mist. This presentation of events is not to give favor or preference to Russia, but simply to acknowledge that the slaughter could not continue without Western Aid and support. This war would have been over long ago had Ukraine simply ceded the two breakaway provinces, but with the meddling of NATO and particularly the US and UK, it has been egged on until hundreds of thousands are now dead or permanently maimed. All this is an exercise of expanding military industrial complex executives yearly bonuses, impoverishing Europe so they are more reliant on the US and less independent, and expanding markets for Western capital. How cheap other people's lives are in the eyes of our overlords.

  • I think they just take 25% of income going to savings for granted. Everyone has a 401k, an IRA, an emergency fund, and if they're really doing well, an investment account. "Savings* to these people are their fun money. It's what they dip into because the new phone just dropped and they want it now, not later. Or it's what they plan to spend on large purchases, and don't even begin to think about having to compromise their lifestyle to afford a new fridge or washing machine or bi-annual vacation. They have no concept of people whom have exclusively a couple thousand or tens of thousand--and some amount of equity in their home if they're lucky-- and nothing else to their name. For the bottom 3 quintiles of wealth in this country, any rise in the stock market is literally immaterial to their well-being.

    "When It Comes to the Value of Their Holdings, the Wealthy Far Outpace the Rest-- When measuring the value of stock holdings, wealthier Americans have more money invested in the market. Families in the top 10% of incomes held 70% of the value of all stocks in 2019, with a median portfolio of $432,000. The bottom 60% of earners held only 7% of stocks by value. The median middle-class household owned $15,000 worth of stock." -US News article