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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • I’ve recently picked up Solo Leveling. I’ve already read the Webtoon it’s based on, so I already know all the big plot points. But it’s nice seeing it translated to a show. It’s only the second or third time I have actually read the “manga” (do Webtoons count as manga?) before the anime, so it’s interesting to be on the other side of the fence this time.

  • Honestly, Andromeda didn’t deserve the hate it got. It wasn’t awful. It had some issues, sure. But many of the complaints about the story basically boiled down to “it wasn’t larger than the entire first three games combined.” It was trying to start a new story, but instead of being seen as a new start it was compared to the entirety of the original trilogy.

    It completely misses that the entire first Mass Effect game was basically just an intro to the Reapers. Like the entire first Mass Effect game is basically just “oh hey here’s a new villain.” And by that metric, Andromeda did a lot more than the first Mass Effect did. But it wasn’t larger than the entire trilogy, so it got panned by the players who were too impatient to wait for a sequel.

  • I think the two of us have a very different idea of where the line is drawn.

    Liberals and tankies would both agree that nazis are bad. Pretty much the only people who wouldn’t agree are the actual nazis, (whether open or closeted.)

    And if you’re referring to the Canadian SS thing that happened recently, the party pretty unanimously decried it once it was discovered. The lawmaker responsible was ousted almost immediately. So definitely not tankie.

    A tankie is someone who ignores all of the evils that communism has helped perpetuate throughout history, and attempts to whitewash and downplay anything currently happening. Things like Russia meddling in western elections to get literal nazis elected, or China harvesting organs from Muslims.

    The issue with your first point is that lots of tankies will currently try to defend nazis by proxy, by defending the meddling that got them in power. If you’re okay with the meddling, then you’re okay with the results of that meddling. Which is doubly ironic, since the same tankies will use the same breath to denounce Ukraine for supposedly being full of nazis. They want to have their cake and eat it too. And that’s just not a realistic worldview.

  • Yeah, I used to work a job where I was basically on call for 6 hours at a time, but didn’t need to do much unless something broke. I’d help set things up at the top of the day then tear things down at the end. But in between, I was basically just waiting for things to break. It’s safe to say that I used the fuck out of my gaming laptop and VPN at my desk. Because I obviously didn’t want to try playing games on a company computer.

    I played a lot of single player and idle games at that job, because those are easy to walk away from at a moment’s notice. Just hit pause and you can give your full attention to whatever problem has popped up. Then once it’s resolved, you’re right back where you left off.

  • Remember when subs were specifically prohibited from being moderated by company employees? Because subs were supposed to represent public interest, not simply be fluffers for corporate policy? Because having an employee of a company moderate a sub is a clear conflict of interest when people use those subs to complain about the company? Pepperidge Farm remembers…

  • but some other secure facility that maximizes the ability of these people to make whatever contribution to society they may be able to make to society.

    Yeah, I touched on that with my last sentence:

    It may be called something else in the future (like a long-term involuntary mental health facility,) but it’s still serving the same basic function while wearing a more friendly mask.

    There are two problems with that. The first is that “maximizing contribution to society” can easily be interpreted as “being forced to stamp license plates for 16 hours a day.” We already know this is a possible interpretation, because that’s how our system already interprets it. Either way they’re locked up against their will, and are being forced to perform labor to someone else’s benefit. The very nature of their confinement means that any contribution they make will be for someone else and not themselves. And the simple word for that is “slavery”. The second problem is that it’s still prison. We haven’t actually solved the prison problem at all in this scenario; We’ve simply given it a mask so we can say prisons have been abolished. Like if we don’t call them prisons, we can say we don’t have any prisoners.

  • Prisons will still be necessary for the most egregious and irredeemable criminals. The sad reality is that there are certain people who simply need to be sequestered from the rest of society for the general public’s safety, and no amount of rehabilitation or intervention will solve that. But that should be the exception, not the norm. The massive prison population is absolutely a problem, but it isn’t something that can be completely abolished. It may be called something else in the future (like a long-term involuntary mental health facility,) but it’s still serving the same basic function while wearing a more friendly mask.

  • Primarily a mobile user, which I’m assuming most migrants are. I like it so far, but have some minor complaints about the available apps. I was so used to Apollo, and a lot of the apps like wefwef and Mlem are frustratingly close but not quite there yet. Mlem Is missing some things like being able to zoom images, make image posts, (Correct me if I’m wrong, but Mlem doesn’t appear to be able to post anything except links) automatically fetch inbox messages, or view comment replies in threads. Wefwef seems more like Apollo so far, but it has its own quirks since it’s entirely web-based.

    That’s something that I expect to improve with time though, as the apps are all still under development. So here’s hoping that things improve.