Moonworm [any]

  • 20 Posts
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 1st, 2024

  • The evening Sun
    through the leaves of the lilac bush
    making them green as morning.

    How my hours are spent,
    as the wind weaves
    a million melodies
    in the leaves
    I am deaf to hear
    the breadth of.

    Sing to the Chickadee
    a fascimile.
    Hear the squirrel
    lament its lover
    in its aching call
    and panicked climbing,
    who did not come home.

    Three ants struggle
    to carry a caterpillar
    the same direction,
    stop to trade pheromones.

    The smoke of the grill is sweet-
    sweeter still with the scent
    of locust blossums
    that slowly rot
    in the water.

    How much have I missed,
    not laying in the Earth
    and feeling the thrum
    of all its expressions?

  • Yeah we're just gonna keep seeing people find problems with this game as it's among the first kind of "prestige" video games coming out of China. Also there probably is sexism in the studio and also the game looks pretty sick.

  • The other day I got surprised by a couple on an e-bike flying down the sidewalk as I was leaving a store. They proceeded 20 yards down the sidewalk to where a worker was setting up some outdoor seating and went right up to them before they stopped and then just waited right there, making that person's job that much worse after threatening to hit them. I kinda think they got lucky and were just able to stop in time. small motorized vehicles either gotta have pretty restrictive speed caps or be prohibited from a lot of pedestrian areas. E-bikes one-hundred percent need to be in the road. Also mandatory helmets, but that should almost go without saying - except I hardly ever see anyone on an e-bike that is wearing a helmet.