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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 21st, 2023


  • No that sounds reasonable. I know that there are plenty of states that have the president/government appoint judges to the high court. It can definitely pose a democratic problem but not necessarily. Do you know if the ruling party can dismiss them or replace them at will?

    I do agree that the original idea behind the sanctions are despicable but if another country would impose sanctions based on the current reasoning, it's a sound reason. I wholedhartly agree with the rest of the world being honorary cowards though, it's extremely apparent when viewed in the light of Israel's genocide against the Palestinians.

  • Is the juridical system in Japan dependant of the ruling power? That does indeed sound authoritarian. Controlling the legislative and executive power isn't unequal in itself, if it was achieved by free and fair elections with the possibility of being shifted in the next election.

    Indeed. But they can very well still do so if they want. Being sanctioned in return by the US would probably prove disastrous to anyone doing so, but enough went together and did they could challenge the US hegemony. United are we strong! This shifts the question of responsibility the rest of the world instead.

  • But how democratic is the process really if there's no platform to voice different opinions (not saying that once a decision is reach not everyone should adhere it) and to form an independent opinion? It's agree with us or else.

    I can't say I know how many of the Cubans are party members but I guess it's not a majority of the population? And that's what I mean when I say that the political power is aggregated to the party. Even if there was a free debate inside the party they still don't allow competition for the power, just like the income or wealth limitations functioned to keep the proletariat away from power in the early days of democracy.