Nou1 [any]

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: February 13th, 2023


  • Which is why the question of ethnic identity is such a useful one to exploit. The identity of ethnic Moldovans and their relationship to the large ethnic Russian minority is a hot hot issue, and one without a “correct” answer anyway since it’s so subjective and the kind of debate where people will instantly jump down each others throats which is why I split both ways using two sentences to describe the two main views of the relationship between Romanians and Moldovans to avoid picking a side in a subjective question of ethnic identity.

  • I can totally see it happening if the pro-EU Moldovan government topples due to mass protests against the extremely high inflation and issues with power supply etc. The large ethnic Russian minority are hostile to their pro-EU policies so if the economy continues to do poorly then that might shake enough support from the ethnic Moldovan majority to topple the government.

    Ukraine will predictably call this a Russian coup and declare the place part of the war zone, “little green men, member?”, and by drawing Moldova into the war, maybe also igniting an ethnic conflict between the two major ethnic groups of Moldova and reigniting the transnistria issue, then Romania would likely feel obliged to get involved on behalf of the Moldovans who are basically ethnically Romanian anyway, or very close historically and culturally anyway.

    I can totally see a desperate Ukraine exploiting the ethnic divide in Moldova to draw Romania and therefore NATO into direct conflict.

  • I tend to think British hegemony was in decline since really about 1880 when you consider that’s when America became a more important economy.

    And it’s status as a military power probably peaked just around WW1 with its massive naval building program so this is probably when it felt itself to be the most dominant but in actual fact it’s hegemony was already in serious decline being challenged by Germany, was being squeezed out of Asia by Japan and the USA, and had signed the entente cordial with France which divided Africa between them.

    So I tend to think by the time you can actually feel the hegemony slipping away, it’s really already over. It rots from the inside out and by the time the mask falls off it’s because there’s simply nothing left to hold it on and that’s what the Suez crisis was.