NukeLuke1 [he/him]

  • 1 Post
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: September 4th, 2020

  • NukeLuke1 [he/him]tochristianity*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    I like to up the ante and argue that I’m a Christian but don’t take it all literally either, and then proceed to argue that Jesus wasn’t a real person and was actually a metaphor.

  • NukeLuke1 [he/him]tomainGME opened at $350 holy fuck
    4 years ago

    So basically if I understand it, it’s that they borrow the stock from a broker -> sell stock -> buy back when cheaper -> give back borrowed stock -> profit.

    The issue is that the people they sold it to lent it out before they could buy it back, meaning that the stock is now loaned out to two different people despite being one stock, because the whole system is fucking dumb

  • I’ve definitely heard that from some, but I do also remember one of my Catholic friends showing me some writing from the Pope or catechism where it basically said “if you’re a good person that’s basically accepting Jesus even if you don’t actually believe in him, so you’re good” but Catholics are a lot less fire and brimstone than most other chrsitians in my experience.

  • NukeLuke1 [he/him]toelectoralismLOL
    4 years ago

    Lmao it’s even more normal when you realize that just means you could guarantee the presidency if you promise to fix the fucking water and they still don’t do it.