Odo [any]

  • 4 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2020


  • Odo [any]tochapotraphouseThis is literally me I do this
    9 months ago

    I'm from Nicaragua (hey neighbor!) and yes, I hate how much the online left loves and defends the "socialist" governments that govern our countries. I try to think it comes from a lack of knowledge, but a lot of the time it's them calling you a "useful idiot" just for daring to ask for a socialist party that doesn't criminalize abortion (after it had been legal for almost a hundred years!) just to ingratiate themselves with the Catholic church. The FSLN has made pacts with far-right parties, made concessions to Canadian companies so they can mine gold (and destroy our forests in the process), has had a great relationship with the old and new bourgeoisie, has implemented every IMF recommendation to continue the neoliberal policies of their predecessors, but Ortega makes his yearly speech calling the US an imperialist shithole, and that's enough for them to support him.

  • Odo [any]tochapotraphouseThis is literally me I do this
    9 months ago

    Latin America has been westernized by continuous economical, cultural, and imperialist influence by the United States (and other global north countries), it doesn't make sense to think of our countries as some non-Western society, it's inaccurate and a bad framework to try to change our life. Our religions have been westernized, our mode of production is capitalism, our cultural references are western cultural products, our music is dependent on western notions of what is "good" music. The products that we buy and we sell, that we most value are influenced by westernized perceptions of value.

    Yes, there are bubbles, territories, regions, where this is not true, maybe even glimpses in everyday life, but it's not the case for the vast majority of people living in Latin America. We may not be part of the west in a historical sense, but we are westernized countries living in the world that the West has created for us with violence.

  • I feel like we sometimes overstate the we are calmer/polite/respectful part. There was a hexbear user telling another hexbear user that our emojis in federated communities were a little disruptive (because they are really big) and they apologized, but another user replied to them with a ppb lol

  • Odo [any]totransenby_liberationhow are diyers still so backwards
    1 year ago

    Edit: It looks like the license issues has not been solved yet even though the author of postmill reported the issue about two months ago, for more info see here: https://raddle.me/f/fediverse/170274/a-reminder-that-kbin-is-still-violating-the-zlib-license-of

    The original post is exaggerating (not all the Kbin code is stolen code), but the Kbin creator used code from a different open source project without any attribution, so for a while it was, to an extent, similar to "stolen code". Last I checked, the issue was resolved ~amicably, the kbin person provided attribution, and the original creator was satisfied (although I did read her say she was discouraged from continuing her project because she would have appreciated contributions to hers, instead of forking/not attributing).

  • I like the term "neuroatypical" (which is not much more different to neurodivergent ) over specific diagnosis labels (autism, adhd, borderline etc.) because with those labels I feel like it's just capitalism putting people who are not productive into nice tidy little boxes. "This behavior causes this person to not be easily exploitable/not be productive/not follow society's established rules, so we are labeling so and so in this Book". Neuroatypical just feels like a description, my experience is different to the typical/average/common one.

  • Odo [any]toBlahaj Lemmy Meta@lemmy.blahaj.zonekbin.social
    1 year ago

    My comment was just a general remark about something I have often seen mentioned as a Kbin advantage over Lemmy. I didn't mean to imply you thought that. But I guess that still leaves us with the question of why you feel it has more potential than Lemmy.