OneThreeOneTwo [he/him]

  • 3 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: October 27th, 2020


  • OneThreeOneTwo [he/him]tomentalhealth*Permanently Deleted*
    3 years ago

    I'm probably not as scared of needles as it sounds like you are, but my advice is to look away and squeeze something super hard, like a stress ball. It helps for me! And if you have someone with you, try talking about something that interests you. This might help take your mind off of the needle. And again, this might not work for you, but if that stuff doesn't help you could try looking at the needle the whole time as if it's not your arm but like you're watching a video or something. Imagine that you're trying to learn how the procedure works, not emotionally but as if you're trying to study it. This doesn't work for me at all, but other people I've talked to about this say it helps!

  • OneThreeOneTwo [he/him]tomentalhealth*Permanently Deleted*
    3 years ago

    Honestly, I would say just be there for her. Be open about how much you care about her, and give her lots of hugs/love when she needs it, while also giving her some space when she wants. I've never had to go through this kind of thing, but that's what I would like if it was me in this situation. Sorry that she and you are going through this. <3

  • I have ADHD, but I'm pretty sure I don't have autism. In my case, I have a bad habit of focusing really passionately on one thing for a while and then just moving on to something else. While this may be because of ADHD, I do think that most people deal with this problem. ADHD definitely makes it worse, but a lot of people struggle with this.

  • I was a lib/centrist during Obama, and I thought that there were "good arguments on both sides". Once Trump gained power I realized that the right was genuinely terrible, and after looking into politics with a mindset other than the "both sides" one, I realized that libs were bad as well, for slightly less horrible reasons. After that, I became distrustful of the US more and more, with me eventually ending up here lol. Not a very cool radicalization story, but still.

  • I don't know how your relationship is with your family, so I don't know if this would work, but maybe try researching how the way you are feeling is linked to mental illnesses. If you can physically show them that you have depression or Type 2 ADD, they might believe you. It might sound dumb, but taking a free online test with questions that relate to you maybe the proof they need. That's how I found out I had Inattentive ADD, and ever since I started taking medication for it, my ability to do the tasks I need to do has dramatically improved. Also, are you an adult or a minor? If you're a minor you might be able to get help from someone in the school system, although the school system isn't famous for actually helping kids when they need it. Anyway, if none of this works for you, I just want you to know that we'll be here to support you comrade. <3

  • I'm so sorry. I can't begin to imagine what you're feeling right now. I'm happy that you have friends/family who loves you and can support you. I'm sure that this would be much more difficult without people giving you the love you need in this time. Please know we're here if you need to talk, we love you comrade. <3

  • OneThreeOneTwo [he/him]tomentalhealth*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    Okay, I know this probably isn't the answer you want to hear, but I would highly recommend taking a break from politics in general. I used to be like you, and some days I still am. But seriously, your mental health is incredibly important. Reading about all the horrors of this world is taxing on your mind, and you deserve to take a break. When I was like this all the time, it felt wrong to ignore everything. Like I personally was committing an evil act simply by not knowing about all the terrible things that happen. But just try taking a day off of the internet. Even if you think I'm stupid for suggesting this, it could still be worth a try for you. And remember, don't give up. If you give in to the pain and do something you can't reverse, you won't be able to help with the revolution. It may take a while, but more and more people are realizing this system is evil. Just try to stay around for when that happens, okay? <3

  • This may sound stupid and trivial, but it worked for me. Try taking up a new hobby that you have never even thought about before. Something totally out there! The motivation problem is a big one, but if you can force yourself to experience something new your body/brain will thank you. : ) Some examples you could try-

    Writing: I have been having a lot of fun creating my own short stories and scripts. You may not be into that, but it's worth a shot.

    Woodworking: Try and find a nice block of wood somewhere, just some scrap will do. And try to make something! It doesn't have to be anything good either, just go with the flow.

    Metalworking: This has been my savior throughout the pandemic. I never knew metalwork could be so much fun! Out of everything I said, this would be the hardest to do, and probably the most expensive. But if you look up some tutorials on YouTube about blacksmithing, you can make a nice little forge in your garage. Obviously be careful about setting your house on fire, but I just use a metal trash can lid over the coals to keep the sparks from flying everywhere.

    If anyone else has any other neat hobby ideas, feel free to add on!