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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 9th, 2024


  • Meh, to be fair, communism gave us all the likes of Mastodon and Lemmy, whereas capitalism gave us all Twitter/X and Reddit so... it's not like I'm knocking the politics even, so much as the extremely annoying manner in which those thoughts are handled, sometimes.

    Imagine a Karen who regardless of actual right vs. wrong, thinks they are right, but more importantly just enjoys slamming it into people's faces. Like, if you really think that you are correct, why work so hard to convince people of that "fact" - you catch more flies with honey than vinegar - and who exactly are you trying to convince bully even?

    Likewise even a factually correct endpoint can be made into part of an incorrect statement if arrived at via a false chain of logical deduction - i.e., even a stopped watch is right twice a day, but that doesn't mean that you should trust the watch from then on!? A statement that includes a logical fallacy, even if deployed in order to defend a true statement, is still false, even if the underlying fact also happened to be true.

    And if there is anything I am learning from the internet, it is that trolling exists, yet not everyone is a troll, and it improves my mental sanity >95% to block such. I used to be proud of never blocking anyone, ever. I grew up though, in seeing how others refuse to grow.:-D

    You might try an experiment and make an account somewhere, and see how different some posts and their complement of comments look, in terms of which instances you may choose to block, and also which individuals may have blocked your instance in return...

  • Well *I* don't, thus keep in mind that I may be summarizing here the reasons that others do incorrectly &/or unfairly, but from what I understand people are saying:

    (1) often when people get extremely argumentative (aka bat shit insane crazy trolling) it is from there. Who wants to talk to someone who is rude, condescending, and doesn't listen in the slightest to your POV before loudly proclaiming how very wrong you are, even while using logical fallacies (such as strawman) as they do so?:-P Counterpoint: that can happen on any sufficiently large instance e.g. lemmy.world too? Though it does seem to happen more often on lemmy.ml for whatever reason.

    (2) it may be relevant (tbh I'm not entirely sure how though?) that it leans fairly hardcore to what many people e.g. in the USA would consider an extreme leftist viewpoint, as in so far to the left that it may even become uncomfortable to someone living in a society that leans more rightwards even if the person in it considers themselves an "extreme leftist" in relation to that center point. Along these lines, are "memes" merely political propaganda that happens to be drawn in a cartoonish form? (Though this is an argument pertaining to merely a community, not an entire instance.)

  • There are several closed group options or other closed source ones that aim to be just like Reddit in practice but not exactly it in theory. Ironically the Reddit alternatives sub on Reddit is probably the best place to get such a list 😜.

    I enjoyed Squabbles for a bit - it was described at the time as toxically non-toxic as in very much anti-hate speech, though I don't know how it's fared recently. At the end of the day though it's just one guy's project, and while he's no Huffman, still the entire thing turns around him, very unlike the Fediverse that can become anything we want it to be.

    If you do remain on Lemmy, learn which things to block bc that will improve your experience substantially. Just blocking lemmygrad.ml and hexbear.net improved mine 95%, and ironically some people (not me) also block Lemmy.ml. You will come to find what works for you, I am just saying that the experience varies enormously depending on that one factor!

  • OpenStars@startrek.websitetoMemes@lemmy.mlLine Go Up!
    3 months ago

    This does not go nearly far enough imho. The woman on the right needs to be literally enslaved, in bondage (but not the fun kind) while the woman in the red dress needs to be appreciated not just in passing but during every waking moment of every hour of every day, with every thought, hope, wish, dream, prayer, and most importantly action dedicated to her eternal happiness, but more importantly her happiness right the fuck NOW in the next quarter.

    Also it's not just the USA but the entire Western world... and quite frankly the entire non-Western one too just with Profit substituted with Power.

    But the REALLY fucked up part is that literally nobody that I have ever met IRL has ever acted that way, though conversely who doesn't have that culture going on at their workplace? It's a HIGHLY skewed distribution where the "job creators" act that way, and not even like 99% of them but only the billionaire and wannabe class, and bullies, whereas everyone else seems to remember the human... except, for whatever odd reason, when it comes time to vote.:-(