PanPaniscus [he/him]

  • 1 Post
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: October 16th, 2020


  • PanPaniscus [he/him]tomusicWhere Do You Go To Follow Music?
    2 years ago

    If you're down for rap, I recommend r/juggalo. I know it's on :reddit-logo: but I've found several artists and a few YouTube channels from there. A lot of it is updates on ICP and people on their record label, but they also spotlight a lot of small artists who are :markkks-juggalo: -related.

  • Two books I'm bouncing between. I'm on the tail end of Transgender Health Issues by Susan Roslaugh, which has been a pretty good summary of the stats out there on everything related to trans folks receiving medical care.

    Also have started Michael Eric Dyson's Come Hell or Highwater, which is about Hurricane Katrina's impact on New Orleans.

  • PanPaniscus [he/him]togamesNeed some suggestions.
    3 years ago

    FTL: Faster Than Light if you want some tactical action

    Factorio if you like base building

    Caravaneer 2, it's like old school Fallout games but focused on trading

    The Gemcraft series if you like tower defence

  • PanPaniscus [he/him]tomentalhealth*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    Best advice I can give, drink a whole lot of fluids for about 24 hours before, enough so that you're confidently not dehydrated. It'll make it much easier for the person who's drawing to find a blood vessel and much quicker for them to get the volume they need.

  • PanPaniscus [he/him]tofood*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    I only ever make cornbread, and I've always had decent results using varying combinations of water, vegetable oil, apple sauce, and tahini. It's too crumbly to be slicing bread but if you like it as a side, it works