Pastaguini [he/him]

  • 13 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: October 18th, 2020


  • A 3% rent increase on a $2600/month one bed one bath is $78/month, which over a 12 month lease is still an additional $936 for doing literally nothing. But all of this is irrelevant because $2600/month for an apartment was already way overpriced to begin with. L.A. county could force them to lower rents 3% and they’d still be making an obscene profit. And if these landlords sell, what are they going to do after that? Get real jobs? Not likely. It’s a total bluff. People choose to become landlords because they don’t want to work. Capping rent hikes at 3% would still allow them to not work, so they’re not going to suddenly sell of their assets and do something else. Also landlords (especially the big ones - companies such as Greystar/Cortland/Lincoln) invest with the ultimate goal of selling the buildings. That’s where the real money comes in. So they’re going to sell no matter what lukewarm rent regulations are put in place.

  • Pastaguini [he/him]tomemeswife bad
    4 months ago

    My girlfriend uses mouth tape to prevent snoring and every night I contend with the fact that I live in a boomer meme.

  • I think he’s definitely toast with any voters under 25. Beyond that it gets a bit harder to say. I think he’s definitely wildly unpopular with most folks under 45 but they might just vote for him to vote against Trump. It comes down to whether people view their vote as a personal endorsement of a candidate, in which case they won’t vote for him, or as a defense against Trump, in which case they will not. If I had to guess today, I’d say Biden wins the popular vote by a slimmer margin than what Hillary won by in 2016 but then loses the electoral college because of lower turnout in the same key states that Hillary lost.

    I’m still not totally convinced that the democrats care too much about winning. You’d think they would wait a few months until after the election to discuss stuff like the Tik tok ban or even additional funds to Israel. It really feels like they’re looking for ways to self sabotage so we get trump, at which point they’ll blame the left/young people. We’ll see what these next few months look like.

  • I was thinking about this the other day. The fact that she isn’t using every minute of publicity she has to speak out against the electoral college is very telling. The fact that she won the popular vote in 2016 but lost the electoral college but still won’t speak out against the institution that caused that result, and is in fact advocating for continued participation in that broken system is very telling.

  • I’ll probably get dunked on for saying this but I feel like “gusano” is kind of a racist term. It’s an insult only used against people of a specific descent and I usually see white people use it against people of color of Cuban descent, but never against white people with the exact same viewpoints who are white. It strikes me as racist but accepted because it’s used against shitty people with shitty views.

  • I could have sworn Signs was a legitimately good movie when I saw it as a kid but I rewatched it recently and it’s absurdly bad. The acting is terrible and the cinematography is nonsensical. Roger Ebert gave it a full four stars. I’m convinced there’s a universe I grew up in where it was good and it’s the same one Ebert is from.