Piqued_Pirates [he/him]

  • 4 Posts
Joined 5 years ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2020


  • Again, from childhood, people are bombarded with propaganda that soldiers/cops are good and do no wrong, and the ones that do face justice. I'm not going to wish someone has permanent mental health issues or wish them death because it was a career they decided they wanted when they were in middle school after watching a movie about how cool it was. People can change and work to right their wrongs. Blowing off people with mental health issues is antithetical to leftism, no matter who that person is or what they've done. Movies and TV shows are designed to glorify the military and police and Americans consume too much of it.

    Victims of police brutality deserve justice and the police responsible deserve to face that justice. I'd agree with you if you said to abolish the police. I'm not saying these institutions are a good thing, but I'm saying individual cops and soldiers are overwhelmingly good natured people that have been lied to and manipulated since early childhood to do what they do.

  • Yes. The problem with police is an institutional problem that needs addressing. The police serve capitalism and state first and the people second. I'm not against reforming, de-funding or even abolishing the police. What I'm saying that these institutions lead good intentioned people to do bad, while bombarding them with the idea that what they are doing is actually good. I do not agree with the idea that laughing at soldiers getting PTSD, or cops getting killed is in any way helpful, but it instead does nothing but give capitalists ammo to use against leftists and that it actively hurts left wing movements in the west.

  • Most of those soldiers grew up being bombarded with movies and shows glorifying war and convincing them US soldiers were heroes. A lot of them were high school students unsure of their future and saw service as the only way they'd even have one. Every single movie about war in the US romanticizes being a soldier. Most of them signed up thinking they'd be doing good and making the world a better place. I don't think we should wish PTSD on anyone. Especially not people who joined the military before they were legally allowed to drink alcohol and made that choice even before that. They were kids with a hope to make the world a better place and they can still want/do that as adults. They can right their wrongs. They can change and grow. We shouldn't make fun of people for a decision they made in high school.