• 16 Posts
Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 12th, 2024


  • Ivysaur@lemmygrad.mltochatSlurs becoming normalized in 2024?
    19 days ago

    This has been what I assume is a reclamation effort but I am still a bit wary of it. That word was the calling card of abuse back when I was growing up closeted so if that is what's going on I don't want to harsh the kids' mellow but I'm not in any hurry to take it back.

  • They are all like this. All of them. I've given up. I can't keep trying to organize my workplaces and every single time having my coworkers say shit like "I hope we start WW3 and kill all the Russians! mimicking machine gun fire"- a real quote from a guy I worked with years ago. Minimum wage.

    Took a walk with someone I worked with on our lunch break in 2018, a homeless guy barely starts walking toward us in the parking lot and dude literally loses his mind, starts screaming and acting like we're being attacked by a bear or some shit. "GO AWAY. NO. NO!" until the homeless guy, rightfully shocked, bolted. Just unbelievable stuff.

    I have more. It doesn't matter what we do. They won't listen when I talk to them. America and Americans are the devil and its little imps, and I can't handle trying for them anymore.

  • Listen, I’m not that old. But I’ve been using computers a long time. It is REALLY not that hard to use other browsers. I have no idea where this hardline comes from for so many people, it…it’s literally all the same. the buttons are all the same. they do the same things. Back button goes back. blank bar where u type website. What’s the difficulty?

  • I did listen to it. I have been a follower of that podcast on the periphery and it is nice to hear from other IC people how they are dealing with this reality. I got a little choked up listening and thinking of my own partner, who at this point is almost a caregiver, too. It irrevocably changes your life and the lives of everyone around you to be like this in a way I don't think anyone can really grasp until they're in it. I don't want to say it's become a "special interest" or anything but I have been really diving into reading about the history of movements of the sick/disabled and especially how it relates to modern socialist ideology- there's a LOT of material about this from the USSR, actually! it has been equal parts inspiring and horrifying especially knowing the trajectory we are moving in. I don't know that there is a more singularly reviled condition by the public writ large historically than being disabled...at least it sure seems like it. There is a lot more I need to learn.

  • Thank you, it did help. That book is one of the old classics I have yet to get to, but I think I’ll move it up my list.

    The brightside is since you’re here at least you recognize that “Back to Normal” is a lie, so hopefully you’re also picking apart at all the other related mental chains that keep your inner revolutionary arrested.

    This is true. I am imagining and building what a new life, at least for me, looks like in this hell, and that’s not nothing. I never feel like I am afforded the grace to mourn my old life but this adaptation is the only way forward for us all and I am, at least, doing that. I should consider it a head start if nothing else, and it has led to a lot of actualization that otherwise went neglected. Even if it hurts now, I am better for it.