Prinz1989 [he/him]

  • 2 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: August 18th, 2020

  • It's a bad meme since "profit" is inherently capitalist only an economy in which the value form is dominant will care for profit. The workers shouldn't want a share of the profit they should want to produce and consume rational and eliminate things like money, markets and profits from th equation.


    The Hersh story about the US blowing up the pipelines have made the biggest German news side. However it is pointed out that Hersh offers no evidence besides an "anonymous source" and some experts wonder why the US would endanger their alliance at a critical junction when the ally in question already does what they want...

    Again neither in September nor now is anyone important in Germany seriously considering returning to dependance on Russia.

  • He only cites an anonymous source. A whistleblower might not want to give up their name, but usually at least provides some evidence. There is nothing here but a tale that goes on long tangents which have nothing to do with the matter at hand. So I doubt much will come off it unless the story gets at least a little bit more meat on it's bones.

  • "MOSCOW, Feb 6 (Reuters) - Slumping energy revenues and soaring expenditure pushed Russia's federal budget to a deficit of 1.76 trillion roubles ($24.78 billion) in January, as sanctions and the cost of Moscow's military campaign in Ukraine choke the economy's prospects.

    Citing preliminary data, Russia's finance ministry said on Monday oil and gas revenues were 46.4% lower at 426 billion roubles in January than in the same month last year, which it put down primarily to lower prices for Russia's Urals blend and lower volumes of natural gas exports.

    Non-oil and gas revenues were 28% lower at 981 billion roubles, attributed to lower domestic VAT and income tax takings. Overall, budget revenues for the month were down 35.1%, while spending was 58.7% higher in January 2023, at 3.12 trillion roubles, already more than 10% of the full-year spending plan."

    Apparently they are selling gold and currency reserves to fix the budget.

  • Prinz1989 [he/him]tomemesAmerican education
    2 years ago

    As a teacher let me assure you these are exactly the role models of boys age 12-15. They don't do aything besides vidya games and talk bullshit and are generally the most toxic people about.

    On numerous times i have suggested shooting them in the head on a life stream to send a message even the thickest of skulls can comprehend, but the German law considers that "murder". They killed Sokrates for leading the youth astray but these people are fine.

  • Prinz1989 [he/him]togamesHmm,
    2 years ago

    There are a couple of problems here from a marxist perspective. First if the profits all go to the workers and they use it on consumer goods how can the economy expand? In that scenario there is no surplus product left the entire societal product is consumed. Second problem: Are the coops competing with each other on a market? Then the coop which pays itself the lowest wages has a competitive edge and can expand it's market share. The other coops would have to reduce their wages as well to regain competitivness and in the end the wages would be the same as before. If we assume the coops are not competing with each other how is efficiency maintained? In capitalism the efficiency of a company is identical with it's proft rate since profit is all capitalism cares about, but profit rates are only somewhat sensible if the companies compete with each other. Otherwise there is what? An agreed upon proftrate? That breaks all correlation between productivity and profit so noone would notice the loss in efficiency until the shelves are empty.

    Now if that society had an economy of time, efficiency could easily be measured and maintained as you just calculate the time of work that goes into a product and then if you need less time after changing something it is objectivly more efficient. That I believe is the actual marxist position, but since the post shows "pounds" as measuements and not "hours" I assume that is not what is meant.

    I think we should be highly critical of MMT or "market socialism" scemes that try to fix capitalism. If only we printed more money... if only it wasn't for the yachtowners... No! Capitalism is inherently contradictorily. The point of Marx never was nor could ever be to fix it, the point is to end it.

  • Yes ironically some people were very nervous because "what if a judge calls israels policies in the occupied territories a genocide and then nobody is allowed to deny it."

    There are two important limitations to that law. First it actually has to be a genocide beyond reasonable doubt, but I fear if Germany recognizes the Holodomor that might put it beyond reasonable doubt. But I haven't heard any legal experts on this. The second says that the denail must be a threat to the public peace, which might be hard to proof, though in the end much will depend on the judge in question. A scientific paper calling it not a genocide might be fine a pro Russia demonstration were people call the Holodomor an antirussian conspiracy might not be fine.

  • Revisionism of history like this is dangerous. I think that calling it a genocide is wrong, but should be allowed, but obviously calling it not a genocide must also be allowed. The state should dicate these things only if they are not questionable. Noone who isn't an antisemite thinks the Holocaust didn't happen so prosecuting people who deny the Holocaust is fine. But plenty of scientists think the holodomor wasn't a genocide even if that word has been streched further and further over the years. Suprisingly on reddit it seems the general assumtion is that it should be called genocide as well as the Irish or Bengal famine, or the actual German genocide on the Herero which I guess would be better than just doing it for the Holodomor. It's just idiotic to do this in order to give the middlefinger to current Russia when Stalin was Georgian and his sucessor was a fucking UKRAINIAN.

  • Mortality in Germany is 19% over the four year median (which includes 2020 and 2021 the corona years). Scientists assume that it's a mix of corona and other respiratory deseases (like flu) which started their season both early and strong. One assumption is that people avoided infections due to corona measures and now a lot of them get infected with the same viruses at once and at the same time. Also healthcare has been overworked stressed forever and probably isn't doing as good as it might. The far right assumes that it's the vaccines that finally started to kill us all.

  • All we can do is judge the industrial and military might of both countries, and the current state of their countries. Ukraine + the West looks considerably weaker than Russia on that basis. This will remain true until NATO joins the war, if it ever does.

    How is the collective west industrially weaker than Russia? There are also very clear signs that Russian industry has some hard problems dealing with the lack of parts under the sanctions. Thats something that usually doesn't show up if you just look at the GDP with is held up by gas and oil. As for the respective MIC the west has tons of grift there, but the budgets are so high that it hardly matters when compared to Russia and it is difficult to assume to what degree western parts played a role in the Russian MIC. The state of the soldiers sees the Ukrainians much better motivated than the Russians who I assume wonder regularly what they even fight for.