Procapra [comrade/them]

I enjoy various types of antelope...and stalin

  • 0 Posts
Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: April 14th, 2024

  • Procapra [comrade/them]tomutual_aidI'm sorry
    27 days ago

    Your post history tells a very bad story.

    You post about receiving a 4k donation, a week later post a picture of a real nice piece of glass, then not even a week later are asking for hotel money so you can take a shower because you "haven’t showered in months"

    At any point in that span of time you could have gotten a hotel for the night AND still went out and done whatever else you wanted. I'm not trying to judge, but that stuff is seriously messing with your ability to think. Idk what it's like to be addicted, but I do know what it's like to be homeless. If somebody sent me 4k, im getting a motel room that night and showering no questions asked.

  • Procapra [comrade/them]tomutual_aidI'm sorry
    27 days ago

    What all exactly did you buy with the money?

    A few hundred bucks for a couple fun nights is one thing, but surely you didn't actually spend 4k+ on drugs exclusively right?

  • I literally got into a fight with leadership over the lesser evilism at my districts convention. CPUSA absolutely parrots this line. It's the reason I have quit the party and am looking elsewhere. Tune into good morning revolution like, ever. It's clear as day, and its been the case for as long as I've been alive. There are articles from the 2000s on the party website where they were spouting the lesser evil narrative even back then.

    I'm not gonna just sit back and watch you spout the same bullshit line that "the party is improving, the libs are just the old guard". Joe Sims is deeply revisionist, deeply reformist, yet is practically WORSHIPED by some members. That isn't going to change anytime soon.

  • If you are doing any downloads (especially torrents) you should be using a VPN.

    1. Your ISP will usually send a letter telling you to stop, in some cases they've been known to cut peoples service.
    2. Free vpns sell your data and usually have caps, but would probably prevent you from getting letters in the mail.
    3. What is cheaper? A vpn account or paying for 2-3 streaming services?
    4. I use a nordvpn account I bought from a reseller. Back when I got it nordvpn was still pretty good, but idk how people feel about it nowadays.